Nobody wants to work anymore!
(when the fuck did people actually want to work?)
The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.
Said by - Socrates
Some time ago people merged contributing to society and being productive with work.
Work is doing something for money, but there are things I would do for free if I didn’t need to earn money to survive.
Teaching, community gardens, organizing social events. These are all things I’d love to do but I have to work like 50 hours a week to survive and safe for the future.
“Star Trek got woke”
That everything is going to shit.
Everything has always been shit.
Police reform has like a century of the same rhetoric without actually fixing the problem. You can read about it in old archives, and sounds hauntingly familiar to what you’d read from a modern reformist who opposes abolition
I immediately think of butter, fat, dairy, and eggs. We were all told around the 1980’s to avoid them as they will make you obese, raise blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Until pretty recently the American FA was still saying are all bad, then it went to “in moderation” etc. In fact it was all enjoyed and quite healthy up to the late 1970’s and now again it is basically back in most people’s diets.
Actually, we’re discovering, other foods are often the cause of those symptoms, but don’t let me knock the advertising industry for fast and processed foods ;-)
Fat was attacked by big sugar.
Dairy and Eggs are very bad for you and it’s only recent that it’s been taken off of Canada’s Food Guide.
Eggs are pretty nutritious actually (as long as not too many, like many other things) and yes they contain some cholesterol, but a body with zero cholesterol is a dead body. The brain needs cholesterol to survive. It’s all about moderation, as the dieticians love to say.
Trans people have existed for as long as people have existed.
Intersex yes. I thought trans was a relatively new (20th century, maybe 1930s) thing. What is the earliest recorded transition?
To add to everyone else’s replies, there’s also the muxe gender in Zapotec culture (indigenous southern mexico), which is thought to have been around since before Spanish colonization