I am not a regular gamer, but once or twice in the week I am indulging in some after work gaming. Mostly I enjoy games that are either story rich to put different thoughts in my mind or games with a simple, but enjoyable gameplay (not too much micromanagement).
Here are my favorites for an after work gaming spree:
- Football Manager (mainly 2008 and 2014 edition)
- Citizen Sleeper
- Suzerain
- Disco Elysium
- The Long Dark
- Dave the Diver
- Hotline Miami
- System Shock 2
- The Long Drive
What about you, what do you play after work (even occasionally) to get your mind off or do you have any suggestions in general?
Whatever I can hack and be a god. I have enough stress and challenge at work, I just want to come home and smite.
Right now its stardew valley and mini motorways. Just chill games you can jump into at any time
+1 for mini motorways. it’s such a good casual game you can pick up and pause whenever and a big improvement over mini metro in terms of options and strategy. I’ve been looking for a certain type of city builder game that scratched an itch I couldn’t quite place and this is doing it for me lately.
I’d recommend Pocket City 2 for mobile. Probably the best casual city sim game I’ve ever played. It’s like $5 maybe less and has no monetization stuff after that.
And the game has like the ability to walk around, drive cars and do activities as your avatar inside the city. It’s new so the dev is still adding stuff. But it’s wild to spend an hour setting up a nice district than race through it with an F1 car for money later.
For me the biggest one is my current “filler MMORPG” of choice, which has been Final Fantasy XIV for the past few years.
The reason this works so well for me is:
- By and large these games allow you to invest however much (hardcore raids) or little (dailies/weeklies) brain and attention into their gameplay as you desire, which is important after work when my brain is all mush from coding.
- Light social interaction helps not completely feel like I’ve “shut down for the night” yet.
- If I want to I can chat about daily things with my friends/guild.
It’s the right combination of ultralight gameplay and light social interaction to allow me to come down from work mode. 😁
I don’t even have a physically demanding job, and I’m always too tired to play games after work. But I’ve been on Persona 5 Royal lately.
That’s one game I really wanted to finish but couldn’t for this very reason. After my brain is fried from programming all day, the last thing I want to do is a lot of reading.
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Satisfactory for me. I like setting a small goal for myself to build a whole factory piece by piece.
I just can’t. I can play it during weekends and hollidays but after a day’s work my brain is too fried to design factories.
I’ve spent the past few days building a thermal propulsion rocket factory. I’ve never built one like it before. It’s absolutely enormous so far, I lost track after it hit 40x50. Inside, it’s split up into rooms with one or two simple outputs each. The outputs are carried to other rooms on conveyors or in pipes on the second floor, completely hidden from view. Need to perfect the lighting and interior navigation, but I generally don’t care what the upstairs hallways look like.
It’s intense. I’m like 500 hours in.
I think doing something twice a week makes you a regular anything. Either way, my current games after work are Warframe and The Outer Wilds. Loving both.
I loved Outer Wilds! Very great game!
Just picked it up, excited to try the VR mod!
Against The Storm, still in early access but very regular updates and fantastic team behind it.
Very fresh feeling take on rts/micromanagment game. Feels very unique in its game play loop.
Wow… did not expect that many responses! I have strolled through all of them. There are a lot of really nice suggestions of games. I have bookmarked some of them.
Love the Lemmy energy, except those 1-2 hardcore ‘redditiers’ commenting here in their usual way : ).
Thx to all of you!
Diablo 4 and Zelda ToTK
I used to play Europa Universalis 4 or Cities: Skylines for this purpose.
Tears of the Kingdom kept me busy for a while.
Now I’m on Diablo 4 and Dave the Diver.
I hope to play Fallen Jedi next.
TotK, D4 & Dave Dive are big for sure.
Although I’m trying to get back into Predecessor for the sweet, sweaty combat
Trackmania, Witcher 3, City Skylines. Man I wish I had more time.
I’ve mostly been wanting to play Rocket League, but I’ve been super stressed and for whatever reason playing against real people stresses me more. I think it’s because I can’t just pause the game whenever I feel like it.
So I’ve been mostly playing against ML bots with RLBotGui. As a gold/plat level player, it’s actually a great way to practice.
I’ve also been playing through all of the Adventures of Lolo games(1-3 US and Japan, GB Lolo, eggerland series, plus all of the many rom hacks) on my Anbernic handheld. It’s my favorite puzzle game of all time.
I was just playing Lolo 3 and I’m so surprised to see it pop up here! I’ve never played it before and went directly to the 3rd installment - is that a bad idea?
I’m also playing on an anbernic (rg351v). I wish I could play “baba is you” on it, it would be perfect.
You can play them in any order, but I’d recommend playing the English games before the Japanese market games because the Japan games have more difficult levels.
Every day after work I play Beat Saber. Usually for about half an hour–as a warmup–then I’ll play again after dinner for 45 minutes to an hour or so. I’ve been doing this for a little over a year now and I’m still completely addicted to this game, LOL!
As much as I hate Meta Beat Saber on a Quest 2 is fantastic (if you get it modded). One of the mods (BeatLeader) uploads every successful replay (where you beat the map or your previous best score) and you can watch them on the web! It’s the coolest thing! Here’s an entertaining example of me playing a silly Hatsune Miku song with the Faster Song modifier enabled:
Or if you prefer a more recognizable song, here’s Shut Up and Dance:
Since I started playing this game I’ve lost 15 pounds and gained a ton of stamina (and some muscle tone). Way more in shape than I used to be. Many days I’ll burn 1200-1500 calories playing!
The benefits of this game regarding fitness are undeniable but there is no way to burn that much in two hours playing it. You’re more realistically looking at 500 extra calories. 800 if you’re going crazy hard.
Well, the 1200 calorie days are usually two hours. Normally I get 425-450 calories burned in 30 minutes which is about 15 calories/minute. Doing the math, 90 minutes of that is about 1350 calories so 1200 makes sense.
My heart rate is definitely pumping hard when I’m playing and I have to wipe the sweat off the floor after every session. I don’t take breaks between maps at all, really except to hydrate.
Just look at my BeatLeader profile:
I didn’t even play that much last night but I burned ~800 calories (if my memory is accurate, haha). It was 16 maps total and if you look at the maps I played and my usual intensity I think you’ll understand. Here’s an example of a a typical play of mine:
I’m 45 and blind in one eye and I never pause.
Unless you’re a really high-level athlete, you won’t go anywhere near those calories burned. A marathon runner spends about 10-15 calories per minute. You’re saying that you are active for 1h straight, without breaks, at an activity level that matches marathon runners?
Yeah, maybe? I couldn’t go at that level for 5-6 hours straight but in 30-45 minute segments? Why not? Why is that so unbelievable?
Everyone in my clan says I’m a monster from a stamina perspective, haha. Here’s a ~19-minute, 9 ⭐ map I beat without pausing 6 months ago and I’m way more in shape now than I was back then: