Mickey says “zzzzz”
Really nice swim tonight. Didn’t hit too hard.
Also first open fire of the year:
Been waiting for this.
Ugh. Want. Miss open fires a lot. Therapeutic, mesmerising, beats being on a screen for sure.
I should really set more things on fire. It’s so lovely.
that looks lovely 🔥🥰
Despite everything that’s happened, I miss my friend.
We’ve known each other about 5 years, and been through thick and thin. We referred to each other as family. I was there for him, and he was there for me.
It all turned to shit pretty quickly once he got together with a new partner. We went from chatting a couple of times a week on the phone, to radio silence.
And then all the spiteful stuff that came afterwards. ie: telling me to give up trying to get an IT gig, withdrawing his reference (knowing full well at the time that I’d be fucked without it) almost like he wants me to fail.
I’m hurt. Deeply. And I know his new partner has something to do with it. But at the end of the day, they are his choices.
There’s no coming back from what’s happened. The door is shut from my end.
And so life goes on. My ability to trust in people a little more shaken.
So many hugs.
It’s him, really, None of what he did and said was anything like what a friend does. Not even a good ex friend would ever want you to fail.
Some people just aren’t who we think they are, or they change. And it sucks when they’re dickheads, it hurts.
Having said that, and experienced it, I think most people are good and kind hearted. But when we ourselves have traumatic pasts, we attract those who seek to harm us.
Drop the turd and thrive, king 💜
Yikes. I’m sorry you had to go through that.
And about still missing him.
that’s because you remember the good times you had together.
so don’t feel guilty , hugs
So I went to see friends last night, I always look forward to seeing the wife of the couple, she’s becoming a good friend and I hope I am a friend to her. The guy is a childhood friend of my husband.
And the guys grew up being the smartest person at school and they are both pretty successful in their sci or math respective fields.
here’s the thing, the men both treat me like an idiot, or should I say, they both expend quite a bit of energy to keep me in my place
and I really don’t give a shit,
but I noticed the guy treats his wife just as poorly as he treats me, worse since it’s all the time. At first I thought it was just explaining a difficult scientific subject but it’s everything she does.
She’s a highly educated and experienced lawyer who is fluent in 3 languages. She’s no idiot. And even if she was you don’t talk to people like that.
It just saddens me.
and doesn’t surprise me, rude men tend to hang with other rude men
all I can do is continue be a friend with her
You’re witnessing a dick swinging competition.
But I have no dick???
These can be purchased in entertaining colours and improbable sizes from certain establishments should you wish to windmill somebody in the eye.
He’s swinging his dick in the presence of another male
Those guys sound very unpleasant to hang around with.
I hate people who look down on others and do that, it’s yucky and demeaning.
They probably bask in their own superiority and have known nothing else through their life and thus treat everyone else like that.
Not much you can do about it since one of them are married to your friend but it’s yucky.
Insecurity can be repugnant.
I agree and insecurity is crazy. This guy has a phd in sciences. What would it take to make him feel secure.
I suppose I can answer that. Controlling and keeping intelligent women in their place.
So why doesn’t he marry uneducated women? I suppose because it makes him feel smart to control a smart woman and he wouldn’t feel smart to control an uneducated woman.
Always, always there’s an undercurrent of physical intimidation in these cases. 😡 It’s subtle tho.
Men like that are the worst form of coward. I’ve encountered them before, and they quickly receed when challenged by another man.
You know the house is too cold when a shower makes your fingers & toes feel like they caught fire. Surprised the bathmat hasn’t grown moss. Must finish this mortgage paperwork and escape!
cold. Bill Cat crawled in the big humans bed
Wow. I decided I wanted to go to the shops and grab some choccy and it turned into a rollercoaster. Only 2 minutes longer to walk than catch PT so I decided may as well get the exercise in (one bad thing + 1 good thing cancel each other out, right? About 5 minutes in I realise that was a bad decision when I walk past a dude tagging up a wall, and the section with streetlights finished and I’m walking through dingey industrial alleyways while it’s pitch black (even if it was only 6:30). Get to the shops at 6:48 and the doors I tried to go in were locked “oh sorry, you’ll have to go to the other doors”. Ugh. Any guesses how long of a walk that is? 1.2km… 1.2km to get to the doors on the other side, rather than walking 200 metres inside…
Anyways I finally got there and one of the doors was locked, which I actually thought meant those doors were closed too, which made my heart sink. But nah, they just locked one of them. Get to Kmart and hear beeping and thudding, like the noise their roller doors might make (got there at 7:05 and they close at 8). But no, maintenance people were just doing work on scissor lifts out the front.
Coming home I decided I’d take the tram back, just because I didn’t want to walk back that dinky little dodgy arse alley way that 100% looks like it belongs in Chicago. So I walked about 5 minutes (out of 10) down this other dimly lit side street (but with houses rather than warehouses), and realised I’m going to miss my tram (tram was 6 minutes away, I was 5) so I picked up the pace and then google maps stopped showing me where the tram was, and I thought I’d missed it. But then a minute later I saw the tram lights and assumed it was my tram. But then when the tram was slowing down I realised I didn’t actually know whether I was on the right side or not, and if this was my tram (I’d checked tram tracker after my tram vanished and both sides had trams due at the same time)
I decided to just get on and figure it out later, worst case I’ll go the wrong way but probably end up somewhere that feels safer. It was my tram though, and now I’m back with chocolate! I got some of those freckle things and a cherry ripe, so it’s not all bad!
TL:DR the shops suck, google maps sucks, I suck, and the area my hotel is in sucks
Went to Missy Higgins at the Palais last night, probably one of the best gigs I’ve been to in the last 10 years. 13 year old me and 33 year old me were stoked.
My brain is mush. Reading in bed and early night I think.
I wish, I have so much to do. Gotta finish cleaning up the cat bathroom , got a few loads of washing to fold and put away, pies to make for dinners and lunches and I want to start on my sewing.
1 doz pies made. That’s good for a few days and then I can freeze some too
Still punching out chillies late june!
had to clear a metric fucktonne of oxalis (again) to find them heh.
I guess the great thing about these things being near the coast is there’s little frost.
That is a lot of chilies 🔥
Woah, nice haul. Sauce or powder?
My scotch bonnet looks like it might be permanently done after gifting me a bounty in April (it did survive falling down and having half of it torn off), might be the last year for the insanely hot Thai chilli too. But I have a tomato plant that refuses to die and still is attempting to put out flowers like what the hell bro. You can rest now
Sauce or powder
Ooh was thinking powder maybe. Would love to do something like hot honey or chilli jam though.
My rando tomato plant is also doing the same thing as yours! heh. So late to the party. I don’t have the heart to pull it out.
hey all 😀
I saw a friend’s possum that she feeds , it was so cuuute
The ringies live in a tree next to my house and when I’m feeling down I like to sit outside and watch them scurry around. Sometimes they jump onto the roof and patter about right above me
I’ve never fed them, but I do occasionally feed the maggies that also live in that tree, so I think the possums heard I’m a friendly
Fried up some chicken, mixed it with the leftover savoury rice mix and made parcels out of it, some with flatbread and some with leftover pizza dough. Did more laundry, very nearly finished it too lol. Watched some wrestling with Elder minipeeler. He said he wants to be a pro wrestler when he grows up. I think he’s partly been inspired by how accessible, friendly and cool the guys at Lucha Fantastica are. I could picture him as a luchador in a travelling show, and I don’t know exactly how I feel about that. Not that it makes any difference, it’s his dream not mine. Miniest wants to be 10 different things and doesn’t know which thing to pick. I said why pick one? You can be an artist and a vet and a cake decorator and run an animal refuge and design gardens etc. Look at Leonardo da Vinci, he was lots of things.
You’re the best Mum 😘
Aim high, kids ♥
I used to work with guys who did pro-wrestling, there was a scene for it in Melbourne. If they won’t take kids, else see if you can get him to try some gymnastics to build a useful foundation.
Sound advice, thanks for that!
I love this advice. So much of what we hear at schools and in the workplace and society in general is that people can be only one thing. To be many things , but mainly being your own true self following all your dreams and talents , is a really good thing. 🥰
i want to stay in bed but i need to pee what do
Teleport your bladder to an alternate dimension
This is the answer.
instructions unclear, urine in abdomen, sepsis commences
So much for the taco truck, alas.
If you get up and go potty mummy will give you a reward.
mother i have urinated into the toilet bowl and only the toilet bowl, please present commendation
Good job! 🍭
much appreciated mother
Oh man, I’m going through it.
Melbcat is having a rough go of it, the cold has flared her arthritis but the nausea from antibiotics means she won’t eat her meals with her regular pain meds in.
She’s been having shots of both pain/anti nausea medication at the vet to break the cycle and I’m giving wafers/liquid meds orally every 12 hours at home. She’s now eaten a little bit twice and takes treats but is still refusing almost every wet meal.
Me, I’ve got some serious health stuff going on and am deeply pissed off about it
The aliens are in control of the daily thread! Well, they probably know what they’re doing.
In other news the cat is cuddly. What a baby
Cat tax please 🙏
The sore throat I was developing seems to be nearly gone already, without having developed into anything too severe. The cold also progressed to my nose, where it has managed nothing more dramatic than making one nostril slightly runny. I feared much worse.
You got the flu vaccine recently?
Not recently. A month or two ago.
There has been a cold type thingy going around at work, I assume it is that.
Yeah… my wife and I both had the vaccine. Both got sick 2 or 3 weeks later but was relatively mild compared to previous years. (never took a vaccine until 2020ish)
I have been having flu vaccines for over a decade and have never become ill afterwards. I think trying to link a cold which is currently circulating at work to a flu vaccine two months ago is a bit of a stretch.
Ah no, I was mainly referring to the fact that you had a cold that didn’t develop beyond mild symptoms.
My wife and I both used to have lots of symptoms before starting flu vaccines. After that, our illnesses have been milder than before.