I’m sure many new users are curious.

  • @fubo@lemmy.world
    211 year ago

    This whole system is a lot newer than most services you’ve used on the Internet. It’s under constant change. Expect it to look different next week, month, or year.

    • npastaSynOP
      71 year ago

      Agreed. The systems are being flooded from the migration. Communities are quickly being formed. A little patience and people rolling up their sleeves to make it better go a long way.

  • Royalish
    141 year ago

    Filter by New so you don’t see the same few posts every time to open Lemmy.

    • @CeruleanRuin
      21 year ago

      I’ve found that once you subscribe to enough active communities, that ceases to be a problem (assuming you’re not checking it every few minutes).

    • @CeruleanRuin
      41 year ago

      This has been quite useful in keeping my feed fresh.

  • @iorale@lemmy.fmhy.ml
    91 year ago
    • Until we have migration tools, think of your account as disposable
    • Never upload anything you don’t want the world to see, no matter how private something claims to be
    • Royalish
      41 year ago

      Can you explain the migration tools, or lack thereof.

      • themadcodger
        41 year ago

        In the mastodon/Calckey world you can migrate your account on one instance to a new account on a new instance and all the people following you will transfer and automatically follow your new account. So you don’t have to be all “Hey moving to [xyz new instance] follow me there!”

        That’s something that’s in the works for kbin and Lemmy some day

        • npastaSynOP
          11 year ago

          I’m curious if that works with unfederated servers or servers that simple just get shutdown. Ie xyz government decides to raid the servers, (is there redundancy in the data?)

          • MeowdyPardner
            21 year ago

            I guess the main challenge would be proving to the new instance that the old offline instance authorized the transfer, maybe something like a keypair could be generated with each account and a signed proof attached to the user profile that gets federated around as other servers receive user profile objects, then provide an account backup function that lets you save the keys as a file so the importing server can verify the key and federate the change of ownership of content to other instances somehow.

          • themadcodger
            11 year ago

            Currently, no. Right now you tell your new instance to expect a transfer from your old. Then you tell your old your new instance and if they match, the transfer begins. In your example, you wouldn’t be able to do half the steps needed so it would fail. And since each server is unique, it would be up to them whether or not there were any backups or not.

  • @binwiederhier@discuss.ntfy.sh
    1 year ago

    When you submit a reply or a post, always save it to your clipboard first. Lemmy has swallowed my responses many many times. In fact, it took me about 5-6 attempts to submit this comment.

  • 5 Card Draw
    71 year ago

    There isn’t explicitly a profit motive on here (unlike almost every other big social media site).

    So you can do away with the clickbait-y, karma or like farming…

    We don’t do that here.

    • vewave
      21 year ago

      “So you can do away with the clickbait-y, karma or like farming…”

      Are there many individual users who participate in these type of activities?

      My understanding is that a lot of it is automated: farming with the intent to make accounts look legitimate and eventually manipulate public opinion to whatever ends (like selling a product/service).

      Is kbin doing anything different that would curb or dissuade such behavior?

      • ___hulk
        11 year ago

        Yeah, but the ROI here is way less since the users are more savvy initially. Eventually it’ll homogenize out and you’ll get auto bots.

        This post written by a meat popsicle.

    • Ech
      11 year ago

      Eh, I don’t see that changing here. There’s no explicit profit motive on Reddit either (at least, not in terms of the Reddit account), but it still happens. Companies are incentivized to have titles that get clicks, and users just like seeing the number go up. It’s just what happens.

    • onceuponaban
      01 year ago

      On that note, upvotes and downvotes upvote matter even less here (“here” meaning kbin) as the factor dictating comment order in the “hot” ranking is boosting (think retweet equivalent), not the vote count.

      Not sure how that goes on Lemmy though.

      • EV_EV
        01 year ago

        Wait so when I boost a comment it appears on my feed or something? I am a bit confused

        • onceuponaban
          11 year ago

          As far as kbin is concerned, it will appear under the “boosted” category. Some platforms handle this differently. To take a random user as an example, this fosstodon user has a bunch of posts which will show up separately from their boosts when viewed from kbin. But looking at their profile from Fosstodon itself, you will see posts and boosts mixed together as is the norm on Mastodon.

          • wayward
            11 year ago

            How are they able to post from their mastadon account? Do you link your mastadon account to kbin somehow?

  • @CeruleanRuin
    71 year ago

    Question: is there a way to save posts or comments?

    • EthanolParty
      41 year ago

      At least on my instance, you can click the three dots under the post to open up some expanded options, then click the star to save the post.

      On Jerboa, there should be a little bookmark icon under each post.

      • @CeruleanRuin
        1 year ago

        Oh hey, the star is there for me too. As an old, I sometimes have issues recognizing all the diverse pictograms that modern tech design uses. Many of them are not intuitive, or are not standardized enough to assume any meaning without prior experience. In this case they’re also really tiny on a phone screen.

        Thanks for the tip.

    • @I_like_cats
      41 year ago

      Yes of course. In the web app there’s a little star icon you can click and on jebora theres a little badge next to the vote buttons

    • Mintyytea
      21 year ago

      if you’re asking for kbin, I think there is no way at the moment, but I’m sure the developers will add it soon. kbin is a newer aggregator compared to lemmy

    • CosmicApe
      21 year ago

      Commenting to see if anyone answers this because I don’t know how to save it

    • Warboss Wario
      1 year ago

      Yes you click the star to save post and comments and it’s in the more button next to the reply button if you don’t see it.

  • @pinwurm@lemmy.ml
    41 year ago

    There are some early open betas going on for iOS apps through Test Flight.

    mlem already reached their iOS testing limit of 10K users, but /c/memmy is trekking along with daily updates and not quite there yet. I’m using it now, in fact.

    Both apps are planning to be publicly available in the App Store for 6/30 - and I’m sure there’s a few other developers work on stuff now as well. Really exciting times!

  • Yolk
    31 year ago

    Set your language preference to undecided and English so all posts display correctly. I kept seeing communities with “no posts” till I did this

  • Daniel Retana
    31 year ago

    @npastaSyn Thanks to ActivityPub you can use Lemmy/Kbin and other fediverse social networks without the need of making a new account in them.

    Right now I’m writing this from Mastodon.
    If I were about making an account probably I’ll go to lemmy.ca people over there seem extra chill.

    Like adding extra Lemmy to an order of Lemmy.

    • Very_Bad_Janet
      21 year ago

      Please tell me how I can follow a magazine / community in Mastodon. I tried to do it but would only see a random comment, not the OP of a post or any of the other comments. When I would click on the comment it would take me directly to Kbin or Lemmy. (Which is fine, since I’m mainly on Kbin for the message board feel and on Mastodon for the miceoblog experience.)

      • Mintyytea
        11 year ago

        Are you talking about subscribing to a magazine? I do it on mobile by clicking the magazine I want, clicking the top left square button modal with the 3 lines, then scroll down until you see the magazine name to click Subscribe

        • npastaSynOP
          11 year ago

          On thing that is annoying for me is that the subscription button would make more sense at the top.

  • maxmoon
    31 year ago

    You can find all those bad people who got banned on reddit here and they have to be banned again :D

  • @IntlLawGnome@lemmy.ca
    31 year ago

    Don’t forget to hit the CTRL button when clicking on any external links so they open in a new tab. Basically pretend it’s 2012 again.

  • syrinori
    21 year ago

    Possibly the wrong place to ask but is anyone aware if there is a way to see a list of your favorites/upvotes in kbin?

  • exohuman
    21 year ago

    Join a kbin instance and also join a Lemmy instance. Neither one is very stable yet (kbin has only been out a couple months) so I suggest using kbin until it starts having issues then switching to Lemmy for a while.

    • npastaSynOP
      11 year ago

      Aren’t they cross compatible? I’m still fuzzy on the differences. Also lemmy instances were getting hammered, (as it looks like the kbin are too now), so thus my choice of kbin.

      • DreamerOfImprobableDreams
        11 year ago

        Normally, yes! You can browse and interact with lemmy communities from kbin and vice versa with absolutely no problems.

        However, since both are still so new, it’s common for one or both to crash. And if your home interface is down, you won’t be able to vote or comment anywhere until it comes back online-- even on other instances which are still up. So if you’re an impatient person (like me, lol), it makes sense to make an account on each, so if one crashes you can switch to the other.

      • Mintyytea
        11 year ago

        The downtime is getting better though. I made this kbin account like 2 days ago and logged off right away cuz I was trying to figure out magazines and each time I clicked something, it said I was not logged in and I had to relog.

        Today I’m trying it out again and everything is working, though sometimes I get a 503 error if I try to open a page or post something

  • sparkplug49
    11 year ago

    Can somebody ELI5 the difference between kbin and lemmy. I think I understand lemmy being like mastadon. Who is hosting kbin?

    • wrath-sedan
      11 year ago

      I’m no expert but I can do my best. Kbin was created by @ernest, and is actually a very young platform compared to even Lemmy. It let’s you post threads, similar to Reddit or Lemmy. Like Lemmy, it also uses something called ActivityPub, which means that Kbin users can see and comment on Lemmy threads and vice versa as long as the instances (ex. Lemmy.world, kbin.social) are “federated” meaning that they are talking to each other.

      One of the big differences is that Kbin supports microblogging as well, similar to a Mastodon or Twitter post. Because of this, you can see and interact with content on Mastodon from Kbin much more easily, which also uses ActivityPub. Lemmy can also technically interact with Mastodon but it is not as seamless as threads don’t display that well on a microblog and vice versa.

      There’s some more technical and cultural differences as well but I think that’s the biggest difference in function.