“Farion was a member of ‘Svoboda’ (Freedom), formerly known as the Social-National Party of Ukraine, led by neo-Nazi Oleg Tyagnibok. She expressed open sympathy for WWII neo-Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera.”
Someone just shot her dead. Unclear at this point if it was anti-fascist resistance or a rival Neo-Nazi Banderite grouping that killed her. She was such an extreme Neo-Nazi that she even accused Russian-speaking Banderites of not being “true Ukrainians” and made many enemies.
Are we allowed to celebrate this, or is the killing of a literal neo-nazi still the frowned upon sort of political violence?
If I could go back in time, I would’ve debate bro’d Hitler and voted for the other guy! Cue every as yet unborn neonazi being Thanos snapped from existence without anyone doing a political violence!