This stupid country just lets people fucking die and get disabled everyday. I’m sick of it. My tax dollars just go to killing and dismembering people abroad. Fuck fuck fuck.

  • The same medical establishment that only recently admitted that chronic fatigue syndrome was real and not something women were making up for attention? The same medical establishment that ignores and gaslights those of us with “invisible illnesses”? (I’ve been told my disablity isn’t real by a doctor before and so have many others!) The same medical establishment that treats different races differently due to racist nonsense thats still taught in med school? The same medical establishment that does conversion therapy (torture) on autistic children?

    Good thing they’ve never been wrong or caught lying before.

    • somename [she/her]
      7 months ago

      Reminds of me of trans healthcare. It’s the Wild West in a lot of ways simply because doctors don’t give enough of a shit to “properly” do advanced studies of things. Like, we know the basic tools are safe, but a lot of bigger questions about medical patterns you fit, how longer term HRT might affect the body in one way or another, it’s a big unknown space, but a lot of doctors just shrug and ask what you really are and stop thinking there.

      Like even something that’s sorta becoming a common treatment, like Progesterone still gets slapped with like “unverified” smears, despite years of reports through the grapevine, because again they can be added to actually do official research.

      When I was closeted I heard some friends of mine at the time in med school joke about trans people, and basically say they taught absolutely nothing about them. Among other hurtful thing.