• SeriousMite@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    I don’t know. It’s been pretty clear for a while that the traditional Democrat strategy of winning by courting centrists and staying the course has been less and less effective every election. Tapping into enthusiasm for leftist policies and energizing the base to increase turnout has seemed like the better move for a while. That’s what Obama won big on and then completely failed to deliver.

    Staying the course with the “nothing will fundamentally change” candidate was always a path to losing, and after his disastrous policy on Gaza we were in a nosedive.

    • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
      7 months ago

      Leftism isn’t a real thing. It’s just a feeling.

      In a political campaign always want to offer an optimistic future. As we’ve seen with Biden, it doesn’t really matter if he makes the most pro-union policies in history, join picket lines, protect social programs, and only fail to increase minimum wage because his party didn’t have enough votes. “Leftists” don’t care about policies, it’s entirely an emotional thing.

      It’s easy enough to understand. The leftists that voted for Obama became more centrist as they got older. The leftists of today are young people who only know about Obama from wikipedia and what they’re told by politcal grifters on youtube and tiktok. Being young they’re emotional and low information voters.

      Harris offers the same “Hope & Change” feelings that Obama did. Which policies get implemented will be dependent (as always) on which party controls Congress. By the end of her first term hopefully enough of the low information emotional young voters will have more information and be a little more capable of critical thinking to vote for her again.

      Also Gaza has nothing to do with leftism, it’s actually a war between a democracy (Israel) and a fascist regime (Hamas). It just feels leftist LOL.

    • El Barto@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      That’s what Obama won big on and then completely failed to deliver.

      Bro, Imma stop you right there. The GOP shut down the government under Obama TWICE for no reason other than being the little shits that they are and don’t hide nowadays. So, don’t drive this “Obama did nothing” nonsense narrative. Also, ACA. Even the Republicans benefit from it right now.

      Now moving on, I still don’t see what is there to re-evaluate for the people who feared that Biden dropped out. Hindsight is 20/20, and it’s very easy to say “ha, you were wrong!” after the fact.

      • alcoholicorn@lemmy.ml
        7 months ago

        Obama didn’t do nothing, he bombed like 9 countries and bailed out the banks after they halved black wealth.

        I can’t say whether the ACA was better than nothing because I still can’t afford healthcare.

          • alcoholicorn@lemmy.ml
            7 months ago

            Currently in SC and between jobs, but before I got laid off, I stopped putting money into the HSA and using any kind of healthcare after I saw how much doctors visits, dental, and routine blood work drained it.