A bean is the seed of several plants in the family Fabaceae, which are used as vegetables for human or animal food. They can be cooked in many different ways, including boiling, frying, and baking, and are used in many traditional dishes throughout the world.
The word “bean” and its Germanic cognates (e.g. German Bohne) have existed in common use in West Germanic languages since before the 12th century, referring to broad beans, chickpeas, and other pod-borne seeds. This was long before the New World genus Phaseolus was known in Europe. With the Columbian exchange of domestic plants between Europe and the Americas, use of the word was extended to pod-borne seeds of Phaseolus, such as the common bean and the runner bean, and the related genus Vigna. The term has long been applied generally to many other seeds of similar form, such as Old World soybeans, peas, other vetches, and lupins, and even to those with slighter resemblances, such as coffee beans, vanilla beans, castor beans, and cocoa beans. Thus the term “bean” in general usage can refer to a host of different species.
Unlike the closely related pea, beans are a summer crop that needs warm temperatures to grow. Legumes are capable of nitrogen fixation and hence need less fertiliser than most plants. Maturity is typically 55–60 days from planting to harvest. As the bean pods mature, they turn yellow and dry up, and the beans inside change from green to their mature colour that they have when fully ripe. Many beans are vines, as such the plants need external support, which may take the form of special “bean cages” or poles. Native Americans customarily grew them along with corn and squash (the so-called Three Sisters), with the tall cornstalks acting as support for the beans.
Beans were an important source of protein throughout Old and New World history, and still are today.
Beans are one of the longest-cultivated plants in history. Broad beans, also called fava beans, are in their wild state the size of a small fingernail, and were first gathered in Afghanistan and the Himalayan foothills. An early cultivated form were grown in Thailand from the early seventh millennium BCE, predating ceramics. Beans were deposited with the dead in ancient Egypt. Not until the second millennium BCE did cultivated, large-seeded broad beans appear in the Aegean region, Iberia, and transalpine Europe. In the Iliad (8th century BCE), there is a passing mention of beans and chickpeas cast on the threshing floor.
The oldest-known domesticated beans in the Americas were found in Guitarrero Cave, an archaeological site in Peru, and dated to around the second millennium BCE. Genetic analyses of the common bean Phaseolus show that it originated in Mesoamerica, and subsequently spread southward, along with maize and squash, traditional companion crops.
Most of the kinds of beans commonly eaten today are part of the genus Phaseolus, which originated in the Americas. The first European to encounter them was Christopher Columbus, while exploring what may have been the Bahamas, and saw them growing in fields. Five kinds of Phaseolus beans were domesticated by pre-Columbian peoples: common beans (P. vulgaris) grown from Chile to the northern part of what is now the United States; and lima and sieva beans (P. lunatus); as well as the less widely distributed teparies (P. acutifolius), scarlet runner beans (P. coccineus), and polyanthus beans.
One well-documented use of beans by pre-Columbian people as far north as the Atlantic seaboard is the “Three Sisters” method of companion plant cultivation: Many tribes would grow beans together with maize or “corn”, and squash. The corn would not be planted in rows as is done by European agriculture, but in a checkerboard/hex fashion across a field, in separate patches of one to six stalks each. Beans would be planted around the base of the developing stalks, and would vine their way up as the stalks grew. All American beans at that time were vine plants; “bush beans” were cultivated more recently. The cornstalks would work as a trellis for the bean plants, and the beans would provide much-needed nitrogen for the corn. Squash would be planted in the spaces between the patches of corn in the field. They would be provided slight shelter from the sun by the corn, would shade the soil and reduce evaporation, and would deter many animals from attacking the corn and beans because their coarse, hairy vines and broad, stiff leaves are difficult or uncomfortable for animals such as deer and raccoons to walk through, crows to land on, and are a deterrent to other animals as well.
Beans were cultivated across Chile in Pre-Hispanic times, likely as far south as Chiloé Archipelago.
Dry beans come from both Old World varieties of broad beans (fava beans) and New World varieties (kidney, black, cranberry, pinto, navy/haricot).
Lectins are defined as proteins that bind to carbohydrates. The same features that lectins use to defend plants in nature may cause problems during human digestion. They resist being broken down in the gut and are stable in acidic environments, features that protect lectin-containing plants in nature.
They are found in all plants, but raw legumes (beans, lentils, peas, soybeans, peanuts) and whole grains like wheat contain the highest amounts of lectins
Cooking, especially with wet high-heat methods like boiling or stewing, or soaking in water for several hours, can inactivate most lectins. Lectins are water-soluble and typically found on the outer surface of a food, so exposure to water removes them.
“What’s Your Favorite way to Eat Beans?”
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No current struggle session discussion here on the new general megathread, i will ban you from the comm and remove your comment, have a good day/night :meow-coffee:
ok i pull up
ayyyyyyyyy i’m posting here!
New Comic book hero: Ally Cat. He has a 🌈 colored coat.
Wait I wanna be part of the nerd call how did I never see this until now
Chat, is this real?
I think I just saw my first shooting star
kind of amazing how fast it is, very easy to miss
Space shit gets so fast and so big, it’s mind boggling and really grounds you.
Down with cis
Down with cis
Down with cis
Down with cis
Trying to describe hexbear: bears, beans, battlestar galactica
BSG is fash
Bears, beans, a third non-reactionary B
Take it back you frakking Cylon
How do you feel about civilian jurisdiction over military decisions Colonel
BSG is a bad show
beanis, bingle, bordiga
I don’t like insulting people’s music abilities because I think everyone should sing and dance and enjoy music just because it’s fun and human, and not be criticized. HOWEVER the musicians playing in my pub tonight are easily the worst we’ve ever had. There’s a guy who keeps switching between singing, playing guitar, and badly playing the flute mid-song. People are bored and leaving very quickly. Two people have fallen asleep. The singer is making a heroic effort to get people involved and liven it up but the rest of the musicians are giving her nothing. She had to do the repeat in a call and repeat song because no one in the audience was. Its desperate
It also becomes clearer that the so-called “four modernizations,” far from being a practical and down-to-earth approach to China’s economic problems or an ambitious and far-reaching vision of the future (depending on what species of apologetics and sycophancy one chooses) is, in point of fact, a recipe for disaster–no more realistic and no more in the people’s interests than the Shah’s vaunted modernization efforts. And if one wants to speak of idealism (of the most reactionary sort) then the assumptions which are the brick and mortar of these plans are well worth summarizing: somehow the imperialists are going to aid China in developing an independent and comprehensive industrial base; China will at the same time beat them at their own game–playing banking syndicates and suppliers off against each other for loans and technology; and once China lays hold of all this wondrous technology, it will cut these backers loose, break free of any entanglements and with this technology change what Teng Hsiao-ping, in one of his characteristically blunt statements, called the “ugly face” of China. There are no production relations in this fantasyland, no imperialist power politics. Beneath all the trappings of this future world nonsense is the classical comprador contempt and fear of the masses taking society into their own hands and awe and fright at the imperialists.
Do a little workout, play a little guitar, read a little marx, vaccum and put out the recycling, play a little street fighter, got this sunday shit figured out
GF wonders if you would love her as a worm
ya, of course babe
Shes a druid…
I actually keep pet earthworms just to show potential partners that I’m capable of loving and caring for terrestrial invertebrate that belong to the phylum Annelida. (It’s a very important quality to some women)
when she got that externally segmented tube-within-a-tube body plan with corresponding internal segmentations
deleted by creator
Here for beans.
Beans are the sperm of beanis…
It would be totally fine with me if tech bro nerds would’ve stayed in their lane and not infected the physical world, but now I’ll never be able to own a house thanks to Zillow and a myriad of other fictious capital-infused properties
true. but Crapitalism would have found another way to do this.
Bean thread doesn’t even mention most of them are full of lectins which require the beans to be soaked and cooked for a certain amount of time to deactivate or they’ll make your blood fuck up
Excuse me, what?
“… they’ll make your blood fuck up” is a particularly ominous phrase.
Idk how else to describe it and i’m not specifically sure the exact mechanism but lectins are measured in terms of haemaglutinizing units or something like that, agglutination is the clumping of particles in a liquid, so I assume they make your blood prone to coagulation? idk, whatever the case they make you sick so don’t eat raw/undercooked kidney beans lol
The poison ricin is a very potent lectin
dang i didn’t know wheat has lectins, ya learn something new every day
Ugh growing up before buttplug tails were a thing I was like “yesssss, yesssss” then I made my own, only to find out that it just goes straight down unless my ass is in the air. So I made my ass in the air more. But still, it took some engineering before I could put one in my butt that hung from above my butt. Now you can fuckin buy em on wish. We live in a society
new tagline spotted
amazing 10/10