Although the watermark sort of spoils it
Lol. My SO would approve. We actually kinda got together nerding out on tolkein.
I’ve been showing my SO the movies. She audibly gasped when the arrows hit.
Ya that part goes so hard! It’s crazy how well done the movies are, I’m glad they did some of my fav books some justice.
Yeah mine was not super into the movies, scifi/ fantasy aren’t her thing but she tried. But that part still got her. She audibly gasped and shouted ‘no!’ And then the scene with him and aragorn she was riveted. That was the only part of the trilogy that held her like that.
Man fuck that Boromir, that guy is a total asshole. Oh he did the right thing in the end? How does that redeem him from trying to get the ring and fuck over everyone?
Look at me on the other hand, I’m always friendly and nice, never did a bad thing to another person ever. I’ve build houses for orphans, I’ve helped so many people and I’ve given all my money to the poor. But you fuck one goat and now I’m somehow forever the goatfucker
Can’t tell if you’re joking about the Boromir part. But if you’re not, you’re dead wrong. He only ever did what he thought was in the best interests of his people. For his entire life, he has grown up facing an incredible evil on his doorstep, watched his countrymen die, and as the heir to the Steward it was all on his shoulders. In the end, he realized he was wrong and he gave his life trying to make up for it.
I was joking about Boromir, sadly not about myself though
They took the little ones! 😭
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