I want to see so many NATO officials and Zionists swinging from lampposts that you can use them as wind farms
There is no end to this, they will not rest until everything is dead and not a single Zionist will change their mind because doing that already means admitting things you can never be forgiven for
Fuck it, fedposting
I want to see so many NATO officials and Zionists swinging from lampposts that you can use them as wind farms
There is no end to this, they will not rest until everything is dead and not a single Zionist will change their mind because doing that already means admitting things you can never be forgiven for
I’m gonna add my own
fedpost in here
I want to see them all crucified and eyes taped open so they’re forced to watch decolonization happen right before them.
Oh and also build a bonfire near where they’re crucified and only light it during the spring or summer.
America really needs (deserves, really) a nuke dropped on it.
Put these assholes in check.
You want to be so flippant about human life? Hopefully someone comes along and gives America that same fucking treatment.
Fuck America and fuck Israel.