• sudoer777@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    passenger 1 - “Oh crud. Our boat is sinking. We are in great peril indeed.”

    captain - “We’re going to be okay everyone, just get into this liferaft.”

    Pulls out liferaft with a huge fucking hole in it.

    passenger 1 - “Is this the only liferaft we’ve got?”

    captain - “Yes, but don’t worry about the hole, it won’t sink and we’ll be fine I promise.”

    passenger 2 - “Hey guys, I have a liferaft over here that doesn’t have a hole in it.”

    captain - “Guys, that’s not important right now. Our boat is sinking.”

    passenger 1 - “Eh, I guess I’ll go in that one.”

    passenger 3 - “Sure me too, captain says we should - wait where’s captain?”

    Looks up, in the distance sees captain floating away on functional liferaft.

    captain - “So long fuckers!”

    Passengers board remaining liferaft, liferaft sinks, the passengers die.

    • capital@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Where you fucked up:

      passenger 2 - “Hey guys, I have a liferaft over here that doesn’t have a hole in it.”

      You can’t reach the other one with no holes.

      One of 2 things is happening with this comment.

      1. You actually don’t know how FPTP voting works.

      2. You’re pretending to not know how FPTP voting works.

      • sudoer777@lemmy.ml
        5 months ago

        Captain represents capitalists falsely promising to fix our problems

        Broken liferaft is the false promise (i.e. voting is going to fix our problems despite genocide, imperialism, deporting illegal immigrants, hurting homeless people, fracking, etc)

        Fixed liferaft is what actually will save us (i.e. food, housing, healthcare, etc)

        While everyone is hyperfocused on who to vote for, the capitalists take the rest of the food/housing/healthcare and everyone else dies.