And why? For me, i would definitely choose minecraft, it would just feel like real life after a while. Also add a VR and you don’t have to leave haha

  • OpenSecret
    81 year ago

    Probably Rimworld. With the storytelling aspect, each playthrough feels like a different experience.

    • ivanafterall
      11 year ago

      I was finally able to understand Dwarf Fortress after spending time with Rimworld (and thanks to the 1.0 GUI update to DF). Definitely try it, if you haven’t. Basically the same with a few wrinkles, but sooooo much added complexity/detail. Endlessly deep, for sure.

    • neus
      11 year ago

      Plus the pure number of mods that can totally revamp and refresh things.

  • Hyacathusarullistad
    71 year ago

    I have about ~9,000 hours logged in Skyrim over the last twelve years thanks to mods, and I’m sure I’m not done. So I’ll stick with that.

    • ivanafterall
      21 year ago

      Have you had a chance to try modded + in VR? Refreshes it completely once again.

      • Hyacathusarullistad
        11 year ago

        VR isn’t really my thing, no. Thanks to my ADD I’m one of those nutjobs who has Skyrim going on one screen, a TV show on another, and Reddit (historically) open on my phone for during loading screens.

      • Hyacathusarullistad
        11 year ago

        Yeah, even unmodded you can easily dump 200+ hours into a single playthrough just exploring. Then another 100+ if you add just Legacy of the Dragonborn.

  • Roland the Farter
    71 year ago

    Probably RimWorld. Somehow I’ve managed to accumulate nearly 4,000 hours. I’m pretty sure I could play for another 4,000 easily and then for the rest of my life. I love the stories that come out of each colony and how attached I get to pawns. I’ll never forget Dinkleberg, the troublesome cat that has nearly wiped my colony twice by leaving doors open for invaders then when out by snorting too much cocaine

    • @Gravelsack
      11 year ago

      I was going to say rimworld as well. I’ve been playing it since release and it’s the only game I could see playing for the rest of my life, especially ever since I got my steam deck because it is just so comfy to cuddle up to some space cannibalism in bed before I go to sleep

      • Roland the Farter
        21 year ago

        I’m hoping we can get together for another RimWorld community here and pop up with some more blind people tasing babies again

    • ivanafterall
      21 year ago

      Chess people really are a different breed. I WISH I could be more passionate about it, but it feels so pointless to even try.

  • stopthatgirl7
    71 year ago

    The Mass Effect trilogy (I consider it one game) - no matter how many times I play it, it still feels fresh.

  • techno156
    71 year ago

    Minecraft. Mods are like magic, and can totally change the game. I’ve lost countless hours just poking around and building fun things, even on vanilla.

  • stackPeek
    61 year ago


    In fact, this is the only game that I have played for the last 6 months lol

  • MelenHirren
    61 year ago

    For me, it would definitely be Red Dead Redemption 2. I’ve played the main story several times now and will probably soon start over again.

    • ivanafterall
      11 year ago

      Also gains a lot of added life thanks to mods, like some of the others.

      11 year ago

      YES! I was hoping for someone saying RDR2 as well. The best game ever: Lots of free roaming, ton of stuff happening – the ideal game.

  • @totorohno
    51 year ago

    Rimworld with mods. The shear amount of wild and bizarre experiences that I have in that game could easily keep me entertained for a lifetime. I doubt I’d get bored with it. Other than Stardew Valley and Zelda BOTW, it’s the only game I keep coming back to and unlike those two games, I don’t get bored of it. I simply have to tear myself away from it so I can function like a normal human being again.

    • harmonea
      21 year ago

      It’s 6 AM and I’ve just spent an hour “testing”* a patch I wrote. Send help.

      *It was immediately apparent the patch was fine, I just couldn’t escape after verifying. It’d be a shame to waste all that load time, after all.

  • Cynicaljester
    51 year ago

    Rocket league. I know some people consider it the same thing over and over, but to me it plays like a sport. Every match is different, I’ve been playing almost daily since the pandemic, which is when I got into it. And apparently I’m in the top 5% of players. Which just shows how much the game clicked with me

    • ivanafterall
      21 year ago

      This is a risky choice long-term, though. Sure it buys you a few years, but what about in 10-20 years if/when the servers are closed and it’s just you, Caveman, Boomer, and the boys?

  • komplekx
    51 year ago

    Let’s see how Starfield turns out to be. If it is any good, it will entertain me for thousands of hours and if it has good mod support, why not commit for it for the rest of my days? Still a lot of ifs tho

    • ivanafterall
      11 year ago

      Definitely zero chance you’ll be disappointed. I say get a head start and delete all other games now. Save yourself for it.

    • @NoTime
      11 year ago

      My pick as well. I’ve been playing since 2015 and have just got to the low end of Champion rank in 2s, which is the only game mode I play, all without fancy mechanics like fast kickoffs, air dribbles, flip resets, arials taking off the the wall etc.

      There is so much more to learn, but I’m at the stage in my life where I have less free time and I need to play loads to even make small improvements as I near my skill ceiling.

  • QuentinP
    31 year ago

    Minecraft with mods definetly - really adds a lot of variety, and even though I take long breaks i’ve been playing it a ridiculous amount of time since early beta maybe 11 or so years ago.

    • ivanafterall
      11 year ago

      I have some of the super realistic shaders installed + mods to allow for easily placing entire rows/walls/etc… It’s the ultimate creative sandbox. I’m spoiled by it now.