Poor one out for all your LGBTQ+ homies in America, they’re about to be hunted for sport.

  • Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    It wasn’t ‘voter apathy’ it was a misplaced sense of voter moral superiority. It’s the thing leftist rhetoric has been weak to for a very long time. That love of withholding support except for perfection. The idea that compromise or chosing a lesser evil from two bad options dirties you. It doesn’t matter what you lost if you personally took “the high ground”.

    This cutting of our noses to spite our face was exploited all to shit this election. They lulled people by appealing to the same zeal of righteousness that they know divides us fundamentally knowing that when push comes to shove people will turn up their noses on principle of not being personally catered to and forget that their ability to help at all is contingent on the freedoms that one party was explicitly putting on the chopping block.

    It will be a while before people can admit that they were duped and there’s a lot of fault to go around, particularly in those funded astroturf campaigns designed to bait the hook… The right have been watching us for the past decade they knew how to divide us and it is on US that so many of us fell for it.

    • Dragonstaff@leminal.space
      4 months ago

      You really think the 15 million people who voted for Biden but not Kamala was “misplaced sense of moral superiority”? Why?

      • Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Because the alternative involves accepting that moving to the right has failed as a strategy, and they don’t want to do anything else.

      • Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Yes I do. Because The situation in Gaza was not an election issue for Biden. There was a fantastic amount of campaigning, a lot of it bought and paid for, that turned that genocide into a single issue vote with tis holier than thou reaction of withdrawal from the entire system toted as the answer. It is political suicide to run a mainstream Pro-Palistine presidential campaign in the US. A candidate of one of the two main parties need unilateral support from their donation streams and encumbant systems and the Republicans knew that. They know that’s the devil’s bargain every DNC candidate has to sign to even get a shot.

        Republican money supported Jill Stein to serve as a spoiler candidate to engage those with a naive veiw of the system but still wanted to vote and then they helped pipe that message through all manner of socials that if enough people withold their vote then Kamala would have shift her position… Because they knew how enticing that is. The idea that you don’t have to compromise your integrity and that that will be rewarded. They turned this into a single issue campaign for so many people knowing that they didn’t need to shift their position even a little. They could let their Red capped demogogues talk about literally beheading people and those high on this intoxication of absolute righteousness would ONLY care about an issue that Republicans can flaunt their support in favor of.

        It was misplaced moral superiority in part that got us here because if you were lulled into not voting or voting third party because one candidate wasn’t “leftist enough” when the alternative is someone popular with an entrenched imobile base of support who wants to make sure leftistism dies dead then you failed to get the assignment.

        • Dragonstaff@leminal.space
          4 months ago

          This is just astoundingly out of touch. When I asked “why”, I was looking for evidence. What evidence do you have to support your supposition? Nothing.

          To the contrary, polling says that only 10% of people cared about Gaza. The American people are largely tuned out of politics. Democrats’ first instinct is to always blame leftists, but the problem is that people don’t want to vote for more of the same.

    • jatone@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      4 months ago

      Dude, wow okay. let me inform you how voting works.

      1. a person (or group) has ideas, and says ‘hey friends, support me so I can implement these ideas’
      2. people then look at your ideas and say ‘oh that sounds grand!’ or ‘No thanks, pass’
      3. the person who gets the most people to say ‘oh that sounds grand!’ wins.

      now here is the thing. harris ‘grand idea’ was a fucking genocide, and no support for labor. this isn’t about fucking moral superiority. its about a complete fucking lack of morals by harris across the board.

      If you walk into a fucking room of people and tell them to ‘join you for some genocide’ dear fucking god do I hope they tell you to fuck right off. Now unfortunately 30% of the population is down for genocide. another 30% are willing to go along with it if you threaten them enough (or won’t impact them personally). and a final 30% is like ‘lulz newp’. Why the democrats thought it would be good policy to try to out compete genocidal fucks at their own game for votes is beyond me.