I mean jesus christ there was a slight dip in turnout for the MAGA people but 15 million dropped off the face of the planet for the Dems from 2020. That’s gotta be fucking historic. I do hope this will be a radicalising moment for a lot of well-intentioned liberals.
They fumbled 4 states that Biden flipped, and Trump came pretty fucking close to flipping NY. If this doesn’t awaken people to the political dead end that is the Democratic party I don’t know what will.
Virginia also almost flipped for Trump. Harris Won by like 52-47 when the polls had her 10 points ahead. Shows you what the Cheneys accomplished in Ratheon Acres.
NJ was also way closer than usual
“They almost lost New Jersey. Liz Cheney? What were they thinking? That’s not appealing to democratic voters.” He takes off his reading glasses and he puts down the New York Times. They’re at the Bing and they are about to eat. After Silvio’s comment Christopher and Paulie go at it.
“Maybe she was the wrong - whatchamacallit… Surrogat?”
“Ohhhhh! Listen to Mr. Pundit over here. Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh.”
“At least I show an interest in the world.”
“Mr. Pundit. Heh-heh-heh-heh.”
Tony is coming in just as Silvio says “Surrogate,” like a pronunciation coach
Tony is annoyed and looks with Silvio with venom and says “No politics.” He pauses for effect. “Do we have a problem?”
“No Tony,” says Silvio meekly.
I mean the only dems on that show would be psychologist, music producer, and tony’s daughter. Son would be posting here
I dunno. I think Massive Genius would be GOP for low taxes. But he might pretend to be a democrat.
Jewish music producer in new york🤔🤔🤔
Hesh would also be GOP for low taxes and Israel.
Might find evangelicals little uncomfy. I mean schumer is new york senator, I don’t see much contradiction. Probably uses some tax loophole over royalties on edison machine music left to him by local dems
Hmm… Could be.
Oh, that fucker. I hate even seeing his name. The only thing he gives a crap about in American politics is getting reelected. He’s never lost an election. And he’s a spritely 73 so I’m sure he wants to stay in congress at least another decade or so. I just realized that at Bluesky I haven’t seen one, single post about the need to reform the democratic party and I have a two feeds dedicated to politics.
Libs there blame the media for being too soft on the GOP (especially Trump) and too hard on the dems (especially Kamala). Or they blame Russia. Or they say voters are stupid and racist. Or they say Kamala did everything right and Trump was just too popular. Or they’re BlueAnon. I didn’t expect to see more than a few “reform the democrats” post but so far - zero. It’s horror-comedy to me.
Really! They nearly lost like 50 electoral votes in the mid Atlantic
Ray* Acres is the place for me
Military is the life for me
Land spreadin’ out so far and wide
Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside
*Raytheon has too many syllables.
Green Acres theme
I haven’t thought about that song for decades but the words “Raytheon Acres” made me think of it almost immediately.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy: