It’s hard to put my finger on the exact problems but it feels worse than the typical decline of large subs.

This thread posted today in response to the protest shows a lot of what I mean:

Mob mentality, selfishness, scapegoating, lack of critical thinking… It’s just so toxic compared to where it was even a year ago.

I’m excited at the prospect of building a more positive, welcoming place here to discuss the NBA.

    181 year ago

    More than the past year imo; I’d say for the last 3 years or so. I largely started avoiding the comments, but then I realized that a league as popular as the NBA would have news coverage anywhere. I then started following The Athletic for my news; that being said, I do miss having good conversation about the NBA with others. I’m hoping that constructive criticism and disagreements can be upheld here, as that was lost on the subreddit years ago.

    • @ThunderTenTronckh@lemmy.worldOP
      31 year ago

      100%. I’ve been a big contributor to /r/memphisgrizzlies and before all the brigading that came with the Ja drama it was so much better than the general NBA sub. Small communities are where it’s at, as long as people stay active.

      61 year ago

      Agreed, I found it hard to spend a lot of time there because there was a ‘shared knowledge’ of NBA basketball that was so, so uninformed but taken as ‘the way things are’ that all I could do was shake my head.

      • b000urns
        21 year ago

        try being a Grizzlies fan for the past 12 months lol but seriously, you hit the nail on the head

      • @jojo
        21 year ago

        There it is

  • div
    111 year ago

    Yeah, it just descends into tribalism, and stupid jokes that are tired and old. The only things that get upvotes is drama and hot takes. Kinda sad to be honest.

      • @NightOwl
        11 year ago

        I went for the Taylor Swift material.

      31 year ago

      I guess that raises the question, do we want this community here on Lemmy to have rules that are enforced?

      • b000urns
        11 year ago

        just my opinion, but a mix of serious discussion AND memes is fine. /r/nbadiscussion was a bit too earnest and serious, at least for me. I think I actually felt more at home on /r/nbacirclejerk 😅

  • decadentrebel
    81 year ago

    The mods are largely to blame for what is happening to that place right now. If they stuck to the spirit of the protest by boycotting Reddit while it was closed, then it would only be a little toxic.

    But nope, they had to create GDTs and post on other open subs. That put their credibility and sincerity under scrutiny, and the entire blackout pointless. Nobody’s buying their story that they weren’t threatened - everyone’s going to think that was the case and they’re selfish cowards. Any attempt to now close threads for being off topic would come off as them silencing backlash.

    • @NightOwl
      1 year ago

      MMA was the way to try to do it, since they actually attempted to provide an alternative site for discussion to coincide with the blackout. NBA had absolutely no credibility by not adhering to their own call for action.

    81 year ago

    Way too many online NBA fans aren’t basketball fans. They just watch the NBA because it’s socially unacceptable for men to watch The Bachelor

    61 year ago

    I think it is just literally the usual decline of a large sub. You always get low effort and drama bubbling to the top as the userbase grows.

    • Reddit itself became too popular and attracted too casual crowd and too many of them. I never thought there would be a popular celebrity gossip subreddit, but they have several now.

      • @NightOwl
        1 year ago

        Yeah, /r/NBA turned into a very tmz style discussion board. I’m not sure how much of that correlates with the rise in social media of players sharing at times too much personal info. But, instead of basketball focused topics it started becoming lot of gossip, and there was no flair for those either to make it easy to curate it out with third party apps or RES.

    • bee
      11 year ago

      I used Reddit for ~12 years and I saw it constantly. Most of my favorite subreddits are a shadow of what they used to be 5-10 years ago; I don’t think I realized how soulless everything there feels until I started using the Fediverse.

  • @OttoVonNoob@lemmy.caM
    1 year ago

    I mean it all feeds off the drama. The NBA is the most drama league in all the North American major leagues. So it appeals to story’s and narratives more than play at times. My friend doesn’t watch any games all year and starts telling me how the Lakers will easily win this year. Because of one ESPN vid he watched.

  • IronRain
    51 year ago

    I think the NBA product, specifically the announcers and commentators, fail to feed a more nuanced product to their viewers. Marc Jackson’s “you gotta play harder,” or “you have to want it more than the other guy” just doesn’t build a deep respect for the flow of the game, or the underlying strategies and tactics being gamed out. Baseball is much better in that regard, and I think it has kept the meme dilution away from the game.

    51 year ago

    I’m mostly a nobody but it has been clear to me that most people can’t or don’t have any incentive on starting discussions or threads on r/nba. Over the last few years, the only thing that has appeared on the “hot” sorted posts are memes, robot posts, parody posts, etc.

    The worst are those posts that are just attempts to garner upvotes, like statistical analysis of weird things like players going to strip clubs.

    Then came r/nbadiscussion and even that wasn’t much better.

    In the end, I think it’s just a matter of numbers. Having a discussion on r/nba or any other popular subreddit is like having a discussion in a noisy auditorium filled with thousands of kids, teenagers, adults, old people, trolls, etc.

    The most enjoyable interactions I had on Reddit were via smaller niche communities where there were only a few thousand posters, max.

  • @zixzeven
    31 year ago

    Way too many posts about someone or some duo breaking some stat records in a very specific and narrow context.

    21 year ago

    It’s because the barrier of entry to accessing Reddit just became lower and lower. Right now you’ll have quality discussions on here because all of us have to go out of our way and be tech literate enough to get on lemmy. I’m a firm believer that the magic of the old internet was because of the technical hurdles you had to cross to get on. It was an effective filter.

    • @ThunderTenTronckh@lemmy.worldOP
      11 year ago

      I’m a firm believer that the magic of the old internet was because of the technical hurdles you had to cross to get on. It was an effective filter.

      Hadn’t really considered that but it’s a great point. And Lemmy definitely provides a hurdle, even if it’s only the perception and not the reality (this really wasn’t that hard)

    11 year ago

    Years ago it was what /r/NBADiscussion was at it’s best. More in depth analysis and people actually caring about the game along with cool things like the 3 point shooting challenge, the playoff mascot art, etc. Now it’s 95% the drama, don’t get me wrong trade season is fun but it feels like most of that sub doesn’t even like to watch basketball.