We actually do that. Back when there was snow in the olden days ski patrols and public safety orgs would use old artillery cannons with special charges to cause controlled avalanches in high risk areas.
Considering the Abrams in Ukraine, “best tanks” deserves an asterisk.
The Abrams might have been the best tank, for defending Western Europe in the '80s against a Soviet incursion into the Fulda Gap. But warfare has changed in the last 40 years.
To. Be. Fair. In burgerland we spend way more on weapons than on weather prep.
If we could solve snow by shooting it this wouldn’t be an issue. So maybe blame mother nature, yeah?
We actually do that. Back when there was snow in the olden days ski patrols and public safety orgs would use old artillery cannons with special charges to cause controlled avalanches in high risk areas.
Build worlds best tanks
Can’t transport those tanks over bridges
Considering the Abrams in Ukraine, “best tanks” deserves an asterisk.
The Abrams might have been the best tank, for defending Western Europe in the '80s against a Soviet incursion into the Fulda Gap. But warfare has changed in the last 40 years.