So apparently a large-ish contingent of American reactionaries don’t think crude oil is a finite resource. They believe the Earth regenerates it at a faster pace than it can be drilled, and this isn’t a niche conspiracy theory either. I mentioned it off-hand at work after seeing a random tweet about it, then like 5 of my coworkers all nodded and agreed. One even used the term “abiotic oil.”

Is this just cope or what? One of my coworkers literally said, “Well oil is like water, it goes through a cycle and gets replenished.” Something about how crude oil is actually made through some kind of geological process, rather than decomposed algae/animal matter from millions of years ago. I think maybe there’s evidence of abiotic hydrocarbon gasses existing from various chemical reactions with minerals, but I believe there’s never been a convincing source of abiotic petroleum that couldn’t also be explained as biological in origin.

They don’t actually believe this, do they? It’s just a thin kind of security blanket so they don’t have to consider the reality of what fossil fuels truly are?

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    3 months ago

    I sincerely hope every here recognized Christian Fascism as being the American 21st century form of fashion and doesn’t try to stand up for it as a relgion.

    There are a lot of Christian sects in the US that wield or or less political and cultural power, but American Fascism is based in the Christian Fascist sect that grew out of slave state protestantism.

    Religious Tolerance and Christian Fascism is very much a “paradox of tolerance” thing. Christian Fascism must be destroyed because it’s a threat to everyone and everything else.