Protecting Trump’s enemies from prosecution just reinforces the idea of politics as retribution. Instead, Democrats should be defending his most vulnerable targets.
Protecting Trump’s enemies from prosecution just reinforces the idea of politics as retribution. Instead, Democrats should be defending his most vulnerable targets.
He plans to deport birth right citizens if they’re living with illegal parents. He and the supreme court do not gaf about the law and a pardon isn’t some additional barrier they won’t ignore. If anything this would give them a path to normalize ignoring pardons
He plans on deporting naturalized citizens, too.
To be a little fair I think that got overblown. When you listen to him talk about it he frames it as having listened on family separation. He also says there will be a choice. Now how much do I believe him over cretins like Miller who literally salivating at the chance to do Operation Wetback 2? I can’t say. But that news interview did several weird things. Like when he said he’d go to the people about the 14th, the interviewer kept badgering him about executive orders until he shrugs and says, “sure if we can”, in a noncommittal way. That’s just pure badgering of an old partially senile man until he says the funny and everyone breathlessly prints newspaper headlines.
He wants to treat every state like New Mexico?