Today’s weather forecast(Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 14°C, max - 31°C. 95% chance of no rain

    1 month ago

    Back home after train delays. Kind of glad I went for the lazy option driving to and fro the CBD, much less lugging around heavy dishes in the heat and thanks to the wonderful city trees my car stayed nice and cool all day. Barely any traffic, zero stress. The first song that came on when I was about to enter the city was Bill Withers’ Lovely Day. I can never get the full “daaaaaaaaaaaaay”… But it was great vibes.

    Lunch was alright and I’m glad I left when I did. So many loud obnoxious kids on the ride home. Right. Just need to push myself to get the pots and crap out of the car, vacuum the house, pack… and disengage. C’mon me, one last push. We are almost done with being in GO mode