I love birds, especially ducks!
Well then I got one for you :)
Actually there is another one
The picture I took from the overlook this spring at Fallingwater.
I went on a whim, as I like architecture, but I’m not super into it, but this house was amazing.
I like minimalism.
I like it more
One of my own photos of some landscape that I have seen when on vacation.
On my desktop PC, they rotate automatically every 6 hours, and the selection of pics fits with the current season.
On my mobile devices, one picture stays for 2-3 years.
It’s just a Barbie doll crotch under the Spotify widget, if you’re curious.
Thats amazing lmaoo
Also that icon pack is fire
That’s smooth as fuck
I always like these sorts of sky shots
Black. Just black.
Yup. That’s what I use too
The best
It’s the same for the wallpaper; just not visible really. But it bounces between a variety of my other pictures, too.
On my phone: