(Worked Around) Installed MS-DOS 6.22
When attempting to tab complete a filename when the prompt is not specific enough and loud beep comes from my system speaker. I have tried plugging in headphones / earbuds to make the sound smaller - It is so loud. I looked in the bios for a way to quiet it - no luck. Of couse DOS / FreeDOS knows nothing of the volume buttons.
I use the machine sometimes when the wife is sleeping in another room and I think it might even be loud enough to wake her. I do not want that.
See if the bios has a setting, the motherboard has a jumper, or if you can unplug the motherboard speaker.
Not sure if this has anything helpful, but it’s the same complaint you have: https://freedos-devel.narkive.com/uPkaVKoK/freecom-criticism-and-suggestions
Yeah, I checked the BIOS, no setting. :^)