• AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    So is K-12, to the applause of idiots.

    Charter schools are a trojan horse. Theres a bunch where I live that advertise on the radio that they teach conservative principles, with kids being used as props saying “I learned that I want friends that don’t need other people’s help.” It’s disgusting. “Challenger Schools” they’re called. Education should be the great equalizer. Instead we have economic segregation.

      • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
        2 years ago

        Some comments from Challenger blog I found:

        "A note to Current parents:

        If you are not aware about this, you are not tuned in and just the ripe fodder for Challenger, where they seek to sublimally brain wash your child via a curriculum skewed towards ‘Christian Proselytzation’. Some comments heard in school:

        1. Principal : You understand, we cannot celebrate [INsert ur favorite festival i.e Diwali, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah] in the school…yet they go ballistic over Easter…
        2. Spring Program : 9/10 songs related to u know what God & Guns
        3. History class : Christianity is the only religion with living proof, everything else is myths. A lot of time focussed on the evolution of Christianity by Guess what CALVARY PUBLICATONS (yeah go ahead and google CALVARY).
        4. What else… yes, Almost ritualistic visitations by Men in Uniform at schools.
        5. Banning the President’s address to school http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/09/04/obama.schools/index.html
        6. Indirectly slandering ASIAN CULTURE and CIVILIZATIONS…."

        "Many people have told me that Challenger has a very conservative-minded stance. I have heard of ‘liberty tests’ being administered to students as early as 3rd grade these days. The purpose of these tests is to promote conservative thinking in students before they have political opinions of their own. Global warming is taught as challengable scientific theory. Schools are purple and may become a lot redder:(

        Challenger used to be good, but now it is highly conservative-minded."


        These are brainwashing centers made to train fascist ideals into kids at scale, allowed because they sell themselves as an escape hatch from the public schools we’ve allowed to fall into complete ruin to cut oligarch’s taxes.

        We’re privatizing any and all societal commons into oblivion, because our owners demand to sell it all off and pocket it all. And as usual, we let them. Apollo showed us we need a society, not “public private partnerships.”