Transform it by making…a multiplayer live service game? I don’t know about that. I think I’ll stick with gloomwood, dread delusion and crt alt ego.
As someone who just has no interest whatsoever in competitive multiplayer games (even ‘passive’ competitive, like this sounds to be), or live service titles, I feel completely left behind by AAA developers. It’s a good thing the indie scene is so vibrant, or I’d just have to find a new hobby at this point.
Exactly. It’s also part of why I’m a patient gamer. If a game has a good single player experience, someone will still recommend it after the MP hype dies down. I’m here for story and gameplay, not competition and the meta.
My only concession here is TCGs, and I only play draft events. And even those are getting ruined by people developing the meta with pre-release info.
For real. I hardly ever pay attention to AAA stuff at this point. Indie gaming has been good eating for a while now and only seems to be getting better.
I was quite intrigued by the article and thinking I’d put this on my wishlist, until I saw “multiplayer”, and suddenly all my interest is down the drain.
It feels like some developers are making live service games simply to chase the revenue stream, not because the specific game they are making would actually be better online.
Exactly. Some games are good fits for multiplayer, like Rocket League. And even then, I still like playing offline local MP with bots.
I really wished the bots were better tho. They don’t even fly and barely use the walls. Like, you can’t even really practice on them once you actually get decent because they aren’t even good enough to play the game at a bronze level.
Yeah, but they’re good enough for 1v1 or 2v2 with some noise on each side (e.g. 4v4 with bots).
dread delusion mentioned, dread delusion mentioned, dread delusion mentioned!!! Haiii :3
You have to be a special kind of stupid to think games that rely on things like immersion, mood, power fantasies,… can be improved by adding multiplayer.
It can definitely work. Some of my fondest memories in multiplayer are me playing Arma 3 on a hardcore milsim server. The immersion was unmatched for me but it’s hard to replicate. It requires everyone to play along and that just doesn’t always happen.
So I’m not inherently super skeptical about the multiplayer aspect.
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Yeah, the pvp part kills it for me, too. If it was something like, “pve, but the map changes based on other players actions” (eg more guards at a place that just got hit, targeted defenses to recent tactics, etc), that would have been more interesting, imo.
You can tell it’s going to suck when they open with how the “creators” of some other games are back to do a new game.
How about you tell me about what makes this one unique? Oh you can’t because it’s just a bland cash grab riding on the reputation of some guys tangentially related to good games from a quarter century ago.
At no time playing any of those games have I thought to myself “this is great, but I wish it had multiplayer.” And I love multiplayer games.
In general there is nothing that quite destroys atmosphere and mood and immersion as easily as multiplayer if there is just one person not acting in character (and there pretty much always is).
Isn’t the multi-player immersive sim thing what Arcane was going for with Redfall? That one didn’t work out so well…