These people both need to sit down and have some empathy for each other.
They could be growing stronger together through their struggles rather than making it some competition about who is worse off. (Which, in this case, the guy has started by not empathizing at all)
My mental health struggles in no way invalidate someone else’s struggles.
I hate this kind of divisive bs.
Division drives clicks. We are in the age of division. Everything is us vs them and everyone is always fighting. It’s so tiring.
Unity drives clicks. We are in the age of unification. Nothing is “us vs them” and no one is ever fighting. It’s so refreshing.
Gotcha! Now you’re part of the problem. It’s your fault!!
Everyone also thinks or assumes they know better or best. There is no acceptance of other information maybe being correct even if you present solid evidence. They’ll just take you for a fool who doesn’t know instead of learning anything from who might have more background or experience.
I stopped doing anything arguments online all together because of this. (Happens irl too though but it’s far less polarizing)
This just in- man struggles with basic empathy, is wildly invalidating for no real reason to a person venting their frustrations
Edit: for the sake of clarity, I’m doing a bit here. I think the guy in the comic is an ass for making the other person’s venting into a competition and invalidating their frustrations. I think people who do that are emotionally and interpersonally inept and it hurts the people around them
This just in- a man speaking for women on what to be upset about
Advocating for basic empathy is really not a thing that has to be gatekept to one gender 🤷
Ok then.
This just in- a person speaking for other people on what to be upset about
Are you referring to me, or the comic? (Earnest question, the internet makes things ambiguous sometimes)
You. A rule I stick with is everyone on the internet is male until proven otherwise. However evidence points that you are male.
I didn’t tell anyone what to feel, I described the guy in the comic as an asshole (for acting like a dick) in a silly way as if I were a news reporter. I think he’s a dick.
I don’t have to be a woman to say that it’s a dick move to be invalidating to someone explaining that they struggle with a certain experience. Or to hear them and then immediately make it into a contest. That has nothing to do with being a man or a woman, and everything to do with having basic social skills and empathy.
And I’m “vaguely masculine” at best.
Lol. I get what you mean by “vaguely masculine.”" My original argument can easily be put into the idea of individual persons going beyond the sexes. Speak for yourself as an individual. Let other people speak for themselves as individuals. Now, this is the part where you point out my hypocrisy, and to be honest, it’s deserved. However, you should let people who are going to accept it or reject it speak for themselves. We are supposed to live with the idea that OUR voices matter, so speaking for another person completely contradicts the idea of individuality
It seems odd to assume that the joke I posted was speaking for other people purely because I assumed the voice of a character, and then act like I’m somehow doing something wrong on the basis of that assumption
You assumed I meant other people should be mad about something- I didn’t. You assumed I was a man- only in the loosest sense of the word. And then you criticised me for speaking on behalf of others by saying that I’m telling women what to be upset about? To be totally honest that sounds a hellofalot more speaking on other people’s behalf than what I wrote.
I was being silly about the fact that he sounds like a dick. And I don’t agree with the notion that I’m deserving of criticism for your misplaced assumptions :(
Regardless, take care. If I see you around lemmy again I hope our next interaction can be less hostile.
Haha. Ok. Why do you carry a condom in your wallet? That’s pretty damning evidence that you’re male. And you weren’t being silly. You were commentating, and now you’re back-peddling to say it was fun. I’m not refuting that you want or are a feminist ally, but the whole point is to let the individual woman be offended. When your comment attempted to speak for the whole of women. It’s not necessarily your intention I’m arguing, but the action of saying that women in general should be offended at this comic. That is at least the perception you gave. And you can keep saying you were trying to be cheeky, but you yourself also said that context is difficult in these situations
subjectivity is the default. if you assume every statement on the internet is meant to be objective, you’ll go mad.
Every statement on the internet is objective. Guess I’m mad
deleted by creator
He’s bleeding out of his vagina that often? He should see a doctor.
Also, this comic is sociopathic. You could say this in any situation to put anyone down. Are you feeling sick? I’m ALWAYS sick. Are you feeling sad? Well, I’m ALWAYS sad. Oh, you’re painfully passing an egg, having cramps, and bleeding? Yeah, I ALWAYS eat Taco Bell.
Passing an egg, though…
That’s the tapeworm
This Comic is stupid and bad. Nothing else to say.
I don’t know which is worse, the woman treating periods like they’re some feminine mystery that the male mind simply cannot wrap itself around, or the guy bragging about his untreated depression.
men: suffering long and silently from generations of stifling social expectations and exploitation
this man: how can I make this into a competition as well?
This comes across as incredibly emotionally immature.
It’s a joke? It’s even in a comic from.
Like women don’t bash men for how they act when they “have a fever” and it gets the six million likes.
It’s meant to just be silly and funny and dark all at the same time. It seems even less mature to gaslight someone for just taking the time to actually relate.
People taking this stupid comic way too seriously in these comments
What is there to like about this?
Sometimes our emotional batteries run low and we feel like mouthing off (like this guy is doing) instead of being sympathetic. Most people don’t, but we can have a bit of a laugh relating to feeling like depicted in the comic. This helps us let out some of our negative emotions without anybody having to put up with them which in turn allows helps us to keep being emotionally supportive to those we care about.
I’m a little unclear on what point the author is trying to make but perhaps that’s because I’m not familiar with this comic.
Edit: tbh I think I agree with the sentiment that this is just a shit comic. If there’s any worthwhile message it’s very poorly expressed.
The world will never know my pain…
this sub is just as unfunny as /r/comics and nearly as misogynist
Can you explain how this is misogynist? Besides it trivializing periods for the sake of the joke, I don’t see the hatred behind it.
E: Fixed spelling aneurysm.
Its like saying all lives matter, kind of. I don’t think this strip is misogynist, but there should be more to it. “I’m sad all the time” is different than the very real physical pain that women experience during their periods, the general problems women have even *getting" high quality reproductive care.
If the man had said, I’m really sad right now, and she was like, “yeah well I’m on my period,” and then the comic would still be about insensitivity, in this case the subject is the dismal state of mental health care.
In fact that’s what this comic is about…poor access to reproductive care and poor access to mental health care. They clearly both need help and aren’t getting it from our capitalist healthcare system
In this comic, a man is open with his feelings and reveals that he’s been hiding a crippling depression that has become a facet of daily life. Something a large portion of men quietly struggle with as society frowns on men showing or expressing negative emotions.
In this comment thread, people shit on the comic for the guy not being more sympathetic to the woman.
in this comic a man is selfishly minimizing his partner’s pain, turning the relationship into an unhealthy pain contest.
there are ways to express male emotion without being an asshole about it.
I mean, it’s a dick move to bring it up in response to her complaint. But yeah
I mean…
At some point you feel so shit that you stop caring about others
Or that’s just me and I already know I’m emotionally fucked
This might be better than the bear thing to explain to women how dangerous men are.
Umm, what?
The bear thing is women speaking up about how dangerous men are. As in, they already know…
Man has crippling depression that he can’t treat like many men
You: “oh my gaaaawd he’s so dangerous all men are this!”
then many men have crippling depression.
Some men are continuously menstruating?
Sure, why not? Would explain why the guy’s being such a bitch.