Zuckerberg and his minions at meta all deserve the summary execution.
I’m so glad we’re on the free speech website
Hexbear is the Only Free Speech website.
Paid Speech is banned.
Now you’re speaking my language.
consider, the humble breaking wheel
Me and The Boyz on our way to meta HQ
I never want to hear the normies say they’re the ones with repressed opinions ever again.
Bro, society panders to you over and over and over and like a spoiled child y’all still whine it’s not enough. They even threw a tantrum over the mid 2010s era where there was supposedly enough room for all of us.
You think you’re oppressed? How am I going to explain to my children that gay people exist?
They’re also gonna allow outright disinfo when it comes to transphobia because it’s “a controversial issue” where they don’t wanna take a stance anymore (not that they did much previously). Brace yourself, shit’s gonna get real.
Extremely evil to explicitly carve out bigotry as an exception to your policy against insults.
And oh wow, the cognitohazards never end:
sexual promiscuity or other sexual immorality
Sexual immorality? What is this, Sunday school?
Frankly I think this is in direct response to the huge number of young people identifying as queer and probably some
-brained logic that it’s causing the (white) birthrate drops. They think they can close pandora’s box.
No maintenance, only labor.
I think they just want to give in to the latest scapegoat to direct anger away from themselves. Fascism-style.
A little bit of this, but also it seems like the tech industry across the board is casting their lot with the right. They have nothing left to gain by wearing the mask of a dead ideology (progressivism I.e. status quo but you only use slurs at home).
I also think part of this is personal. Zuckerberg looks at Elon and the legions of dweebs who fight to defend his honor. Zuckerberg has nothing like that. He’s trying to transform from the hermit nerd into some sort of “based” influencer. He has personal illusions of becoming a celebrity politician some time in the future.
zuck is obsessed with caesar.
Is he? Is that why he has that weird haircut?
yup, look up his kids names
Omg. Ya that makes it super obvious.
“Allegations” doing so much work here, it should unionize.
“Given political and religious discourse” finally a tech company admitting to allowing conservatives and religious extremists to do whatever they want. If a leftist called them “weird” you’d know they’d be put on the ban shortlist.
love how you aren’t allowed to accuse someone of dishonesty, because who would go on the internet and tell lies after all? but please, go ahead spew as much bigotry as you want.
this place is literally the only usable social media platform
I can even tell conservatives to eat shit and I won’t get banned!
I’m guessing that Meta got some flack form this, because the new policy has changed.
Not that this allegation isn’t true, though. Somehow I keep needing to double check because this shit doesn’t feel believable, and it still keeps ending up as true.
You did notice that they are still explicitly greenlighting “insulting language” (their words) for trans and gay people and immigrants, and all forms of transphobic discourse common in the US and UK, right?
People sometimes use sex- or gender-exclusive language when discussing access to spaces often limited by sex or gender, such as access to bathrooms, specific schools, specific military, law enforcement, or teaching roles, and health or support groups. Other times, they call for exclusion or use insulting language in the context of discussing political or religious topics, such as when discussing transgender rights, immigration, or homosexuality. Finally, sometimes people curse at a gender in the context of a romantic break-up. Our policies are designed to allow room for these types of speech.
Reworded, maybe, but the substance is still very much there.
That’s from a different section. The exact same wording is still there as of the current version:
Content targeting a person or group of people on the basis of their protected characteristic(s) (in written or visual form) with: […]
Insults, including those about: […] Mental characteristics, including but not limited to allegations of stupidity, intellectual capacity, and mental illness, and unsupported comparisons between PC groups on the basis of inherent intellectual capacity.
We do allow allegations of mental illness or abnormality when based on gender or sexual orientation, given political and religious discourse about transgenderism and homosexuality and common non-serious usage of words like “weird.”
So pending clarification, it seems to say that all insults targeting groups of “protected charactistic(s)” including those about “mental illness” are prohibited - well, except for those against LGBT, 'cause politics and religion. The clause directly above this one goes to rule that you can’t call Zuckerberg a coward - that counts as “hateful conduct” - but LGBT peoples can be implied to be “mentally ill” or “abnormal.” That’s open season. We’re just conversational props for “political and religious discourse” and, according to Advocate’s interpretation of the changes, can now also be literally compared to an inanimate object.
“Protections against comparing women and LGBTQ+ people to inanimate objects, such as referring to transgender individuals as “it,” have been eliminated. Similarly, statements denying the existence of protected groups or asserting that they “shouldn’t exist” are now permitted under the revised guidelines.”
Im pretty sure Meta also has different policies for different countries but they don’t make it official to avoid backlash from the west. You can make racist, sexist, homophobic comments and even direct calls to violence against athiests and religious minorities if you live in poor religious countries and their moderation team wont do anything. They only take actions when a comment/post or a profile is mass reported which is often impossible to do because being a minority means you’re outnumbered.
There’s also this https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/06/everything-we-know-about-facebooks-secret-mood-manipulation-experiment/373648/ https://mashable.com/article/facebook-employees-react-teen-spying-app-blind
Yeah you’re correct with what’s going on, a lot of comments on here are missing the mark. Facebook and their subsidiaries operate in many countries where it’s literally illegal to be LGBT, and women’s rights are not the greatest. So they definitely have a “flexible” moderation policy so that they can operate globally in those countries. Most people in the US and Europe won’t even notice because they’re never going to go on Ugandan or Saudi Arabian facebook communities, for instance. And in the reverse, most users from Syria or Iraq for instance aren’t going to see the European anti immigration Facebook communities. And in the rare cases there is crossover, mass reported comments get removed as you said.
This is not a defense of this practice by the way, just an explanation.
Expectations are extremely low already but
I hope that giant statue of his wife falls on Zuckerberg and crushes him to death
Upon further reflection I hope the statue manages to fall on his balls before crushing the rest of him so his last conscious thought is “ow my balls.”
The sheeple: “Waaaaaaah! We’re being oppressed! Our super popular ideas are being silenced by these guidelines telling us to be nice to people! You disgusting leftists and your disgusting morals would never understand what it’s like.”
Also the sheeple: “Hey porky, change your community guidelines so we can bully innocent people!”
Porky: “ok”
Still the sheeple: “WaaaaaH! Us assholes are sooo oppressed!”
I could see an onion headline saying “Meta makes exception in bullying clause for trans people” but that’d be too on the nose for them.
“School makes exception to zero-tolerance bullying as long as it’s losers being bullied.”
They kinda have one but it’s about their solemn duty as journalists to endanger as many trans lives as possible
Corpo freaks were never our allies!!
Love to create religious exceptions for bigotry
Remember when facebook (“meta”) helped facilitate the rohingya genocide in myanmar?
As soon as Trump got in the WH meta threw out the rainbow love is here yada yada yard sign into the trash.