In 1980, there were about 50,000 feral deer in Australia and by 2002 the population was estimated to have grown to 200,000. Now, the population is likely to have reached more than 2 million.

Saying it’ll be the “next rabbit” etc.

Knew we had them, never knew they were becoming such a huge pest.

    23 days ago

    Opposite side of the globe, in winter North East USA, more deer out this year than I’ve seen in the winter this season as well.

    I think the temp changes (light early winter, sporadic freeze and snow now) have messed up their behavior and now they’re out all the time instead of bunking down for the cold.

    It’s 20 degrees f out (-0 c) and there were two family’s of deer cross the roads on my way home yesterday. Usually would not see that until spring.