Glad everyone is pointing out how much this reeks of propaganda.
keep repeating it and don’t stop. im already seeing tiktok users saying they aren’t coming back. and i think that’s a good response.
new tic tok challenge dropped, delete tic tok (impossible)
can’t delete what you never had in the first place.
I’m on the other Bandwagon … sorry to be pedantic, but this is not American propaganda, this is Trump self-aggrandizement, or maybe fluffing his ego to kanipulate him. It’s an important distinction with the type of “leadership” my fellow citizens voted for
I guess we can’t even blame them. The app got to thwart the ban by appealing to Trump; gotta keep those wheels greased.
If you think this propaganda is bad, you should’ve seen the endless and ongoing propaganda that led up to the TikTok ban.
You show see the feed on TikTok now… Half of it is just pure CCP propaganda, showcasing how “glorious China is”.
Yup, since Trump was the original one who sought to ban it in 2020 likely as a guise to get support under what people use propaganda for as a ‘common enemy’ . Then he appears to save it continuing the rescue from false claims for those who don’t see what is really happening.
See this video of how insensible people can be in the case of TikTok:
Biden signed the ban in April 2024, why’d he do that?
Because it was tied to a bill funding Ukraine, which was a wee bit more important than an app at the time…
Glad that worked out for him. Then why are people complaining?
Because I think people see this as the Democrats kind of self-owning once again. The Tiktok ban was something Trump started, and now he’s trying to make it seem like he’s the one that is saving it.
Biden stated last week that he wasn’t going to enforce the ban, and let the next president decide what to do, but people think he should have said that much earlier so that he could have taken credit for keeping the app up, and not given “the win” to Trump.
To clarify, I don’t agree at all with this viewpoint, it’s really stupid. Biden most likely couldn’t say anything about it until the Supreme Court decision was made.
Because he opposes the exposure of his genocide.
This is so transparent… Trump isn’t even president yet, there’s nothing he could have done… The whole shut down and return is a stunt to make Trump look like a hero
Yes, the shutdown was a stunt.
Just like the Gaza ceasefire, this is just more political theatrics to make Trump look like a strong negotiator lmao.
Too bad people don’t realize he’s a fucking sellout to other psychopathic nations from Russia and China, to Israel.
to other psychopathic
nationsleadersSorry to nitpick. I know you didn’t mean it this way. I just think that characterizing entire nations shifts the blame and reduces accountability, so I’d rather we specify who the psychos are, preferably by name. And I only say this as someone who has been on the receiving end and think to myself, “wait a second, this is a person I voted against and it’s their stupid decisions, not mine!”
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Everyone is saying this is propaganda. I think its possible there’s an even stupider reason.
Trump is so nakedly easy to manipulate sometimes. This might be the ego fluffing he needs to reverse the ban.
He’d basically do anything you want if you put a nickel in his pocket. He’s for sale.
Putin was ready to speak to Manly Trump a couple of months ago. Not so far fetched. Can’t believe we are at this point.
Are there any papers on how fascism buries you in these sorts of irritating authoritarian stupidity?
Highly recommend The Reactionary Mind to really understand modern fascism. Anti-intellectualism is a necessary part of the formula.
if there isn’t you have a minimum of 4 years to get ahead of it.
Yes, the fascism that banned TikTok can also be used to unban TikTok.
He’s not even president yet and TikTok went offline voluntarily. No one but TikTok has done anything regarding the ban, and all they did was flip a switch off then back on. More young folk than I thought are very skeptical or even staying off it because they rightfully distrust Trump. It’s like they chose the devil they didn’t know to get away from the devil they did, and now both devils are there. Im sure many will stay however.
You have too much faith.
Most won’t stay away. Most are deeply and horribly addicted. They faced their withdrawal symptoms for one day. They get got their next hit and now they’re in deeper than ever before.
See: Reddit API debacle
It would be a 4d chess move if they never even talked to Trump before turning it back on and thanking him.
I’m pretty sure Google and Apple both directly removed the apps from the stores since the law officially went into effect today, the company did not request them be removed. And a promise from
But otherwise, yeah.
Hasn’t even been sworn in yet, and they’re already sucking him off for doing nothing.
Jeffrey Yass, one of their larger investors, is an American and has spent millions lobbying to stop this. He is a Trump adjacent billionaire
It was Trump’s efforts that led to it being banned in the first place
Congrats! I saved you from being punched (by me).
Probably gonna deal two for flinching and everything.
Correct, the whole thing was a long con so he could look like the big damn hero
Any TikTok user with any sense or self respect would immediately delete the app and abandon the platform
You think too much of the average brainrotter
That’s the neat part
many are and i have great respect for ‘em
That makes no sense on the face of it.
First of all the ban comes from the legislative, who made a law and the judiciary who decided it applied in this case.
Secondly the executive might ignore their duty to enforce rulings for a while, sure, but that’s not a long term solution, and not a big achievement.
Thirdly even Biden’s executive was not enforcing the ban, apparently fearing the optics. Now we have gone from Biden’s executive not enforcing the ban to Trump’s executive not enforcing the ban. So there was no effective change.
Tiktok is just doing some political maneuvers here. They were the ones denying access for the last 24h for the optics. Not out of respect for the court’s decision.
It’s literally just China destablizing the US, same as it’s been for years. It doesn’t have to make sense. Weeee 🙃
China or America just shooting itself in the foot with Trump?
Little of column A, little of column B. China’s going to throw fuel on the already burning fire wherever they can.
spot on
Just when you thought trump’s dick couldn’t get any smaller.
And somehow keeps getting sucked. Fuck this stupid country. Wish I could leave.
Wasn’t it his idea to ban it in the first place, to try and force a sale to a US company? Given that hasn’t seemed to have worked, I wonder what changed to make him change his mind, was it just that Biden went through with it, or did they bribe him, or maybe just so he can go tell users that he “saved” one of their favorite social media apps?
A narcissist taking something away and then giving it back is a common manipulative tactic used to control their victim[s] by creating a cycle of dependence & uncertainty.
A narcissist taking something away
Are you talking about genocide joe?
Please learn to read and then try again.
Man, Iran and Russia getting HAMAS to attack Israel to influence the US election is probably going down as the greatest geo-political move to ever happen.
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Yes. And he won the popular vote, and thinks TikTok had a hand in it.
I’m thinking he saw some youth votes in there. OTOH, now the election is over, what have they to offer him? He doesn’t make a move without promise of loyalty or payment.
He has an account on there
God fuck me, it’s probably that simple. Yes, his team was using TikTok for campaigning.
So pretty obviously what happened here was that Trump and the Chinese authorities struck a deal by which Trump would be given credit for not enforcing the ban that both he and Biden had already said they had no intention of enforcing.
The interesting question is: what did Trump give China in exchange?
He probably told them they could just keep the data and do whatever they want with it as long as they provide it to our social media companies in the US for free.
Imagine believing this conspiracy theory is “pretty obvious”. Nobody even downvotes this kinda nonsense. Peak lib delusions.
Except of course it is obvious, and the only delusion here is the farcical idea that there’s some legitimate explanation for the known facts unfolding the way they did.
- Trump has a “very good” phone conversation with Xi in which they discuss, among other things, TikTok
- Biden announces that his administration has no intention of enforcing the ban.
- TikTok announces that they’re going to shut down US access themselves.
- TikTok announces that they’re not going to shut down US access after all, and credits Trump for saving them from a ban that was never even implemented in the first place, and over which Trump had no authority anyway since he wasn’t even in office yet.
Since you’ve so definitely rejected my explanation for why and how these particular facts unfolded as they did, you certainly must have some alternative explanation.
So let’s see it.
Funny, you screech peak lib delusions. While defending two capitalist imperialist groups like a good little liberal yourself.
Trump isn’t allowed to run charities anymore because he can’t do anything without benefiting himself. Implying that he’s doing this because it’s right, or because he’s a good guy who cares is peak conspiracy.
Likewise, implying that an imperialist capitalist authoritarian government like China and the companies they control. Who do this sort of thing all the time. Wouldn’t do something simple like this to undermine and and attack one of their biggest global adversaries. Is also peak conspiracy theorist.
Eh, could be anything really. Could be just tiktok deciding to mess with trump. Could be many likely and unlikely scenarios. I just think that he took the money in exchange for health of the people of usa. It’s not anything new, many presidents have done it, and for me its the biggest form of betrayal. Who cares about revealing some state secrets about their enemies, when those enemies are already dead.
This shows you how bad the propaganda attempt went. They should have left it gone long enough to hurt, so people would really be mad. Now it just looks weird and a clear attempt to make Trump look good for Monday.
On Twitter though there’s already people praising Trump for saving TikTok
Twitter is a propaganda machine too? It’s going to sort and surface that kind of thing.
A huge, common fallacy is that there’s any kind of fairness in what rec algorithms prioritize to serve.
The remaining userbase of Twitter was praising Trump long before TikTok credited him with “saving” it.
People who still actively post on Twitter like it isn’t a bought and paid for alt-right propaganda machine represent a clear bias.