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Obligatory, fuck Spez
You believe constitutionally enshrining authoritarianism to be an adequate defense of it?
Did the constitution also make him ban all opposition parties and media?
He didn’t enshrine anything, it was already in the constitution before he was elected.
Regarding suppression of opposition, good, now you’re bringing up more reasonable criticisms. But guess what? That doesn’t make him or Ukrainians in general Nazis. There’s a lot of authoritarian stuff still leftover after Soviet era, it takes time to move away from it.
And guess what, Zelenskyy, with all his issues, was a definite step up from the president before him (at least until the war happened, anyway). And the one before him was a definite step up from his predecessor.
You know who doesn’t have that luxury? Russia and Belarus. Maybe criticize them for authoritarianism, instead of a country that at least is making progress.
My country isn’t sending billions in modern weaponry to Russia (at least as far as I’m aware). But they are sending them to Nazis in Ukraine, so I have something to say about it.
Well, you still definitively called Ukrainians Nazis after I provided you with enough information to make you at doubt that assessment.
I envy your mental gymnastics skill. Wonder how you maneuver around the fact that “a Nazi nation elected a Jew president with 75% vote share”.
No, I didn’t. Pointing out a Nazi regime being propped up by the US is not a declaration that all Ukrainians are Nazis. Seems a move of desperation on your part to attempt to distort it into that.
To use your own tactic against you (but unlike your attempts, effectively), earlier you claimed that “Ukrainians call themselves Nazi”. Now you’re saying that you don’t call Ukrainians Nazis, but only the government. And I’m the desperate one, countering your every argument with facts that you ignore, while all you do is attempt to find inconsequential loopholes in my statements to declare yourself victorious. Meanwhile, I’m yet to see even a single substantial argument that would indicate that Ukrainian government is Nazi. So far your arguments were:
Simply repeating something doesn’t make it true, you have to back up your claims. Instead you just gloss over all the counter arguments I make, like there being plenty of Jews in Ukraine and the president himself being a Jew, that completely invalidate your claims.
There’s plenty of valid criticisms leveled against “the US” that have nothing to do with me or most of the people who live here, but rather a criticism of those in power. The folks who take those criticisms personally are usually speaking with a guilty conscience.
I’m accusing my own government of being league with Nazis now, and it didn’t take that much convincing. Any hint at pro-fascism will get a fierce rebuke of any US politician who dares dip their toes into that, and calls for them to be banned from public service. Those defending them tend to be secretly supportive of their fascism.
So what’s the deal with you? How much more Nazism would have to come out of the ruling class in your country to earn your opposition? Or is this a secret supporter kind of deal?