Dude no. Combine asap for best adhesion. This nightmare of naked pasta with sauce plopped on it that you are supposed to mix yourself is a culinary atrocity.
My family is Italian. From Italy. I’m pretty sure we know how to make sauce. But hey. You do you.
Sauce is scooped out of the pot while it’s on the stove and mixed with the noodle of choice in my house.
Edit: to add my wife, who isn’t Italian, knows how to make ketchup and noodles with the best of them and even then it’s scooped from the pot onto then noodles while plating. And she puts fuckin ground beef in her spaghetti
Dude no. Combine asap for best adhesion. This nightmare of naked pasta with sauce plopped on it that you are supposed to mix yourself is a culinary atrocity.
I don’t know what choices lead you down this road in life, but I pray that you will reflect and repent.
My family is Italian. From Italy. I’m pretty sure we know how to make sauce. But hey. You do you.
Sauce is scooped out of the pot while it’s on the stove and mixed with the noodle of choice in my house.
Edit: to add my wife, who isn’t Italian, knows how to make ketchup and noodles with the best of them and even then it’s scooped from the pot onto then noodles while plating. And she puts fuckin ground beef in her spaghetti
I’ve never seen an Italian family do pasta so wrong. I thought y’all liked pasta there?
I don’t understand, how do you make it then? Do you cook pasta and sauce together?
Eat it every Sunday. Family comes from three counties to join.
The pasta does get a very small amount in it after it’s strained. But pasta is never used for leftovers. More pasta is made if eaten the next day.
Again. Y’all do you.
That’s how I do it too! Always thought I was just lazy.
It’s like the motherfucker has never even watched “Cooking with Ralph Cifaretto” lol.