it becomes more bitter because more heat breaks down more of the oils in the coffee. it’s why coffee that’s been on a hotplate for a while becomes muddy.
reheated espresso tastes a WHOLE lot different, and reheated latte or flat white etc… well… nothing about them is the same except the caffeine content at that point
i can’t speak much for drip because american and australian coffee preparations are very different, but i imagine it’d be similar: coffee has oils in it, and i imagine that when it cools down the oils would solidify out… reheating the oils would reliquify them, but i’m not sure they’d be evenly distributed or even in the liquid any more (could be on the cup)
similar reasons as to why freeze dried doesn’t taste as good
I disagree, but I think people are WAY too snobby about coffee in general. I drink cheap coffee with soy milk, warm, cold, reheated. It’s all the same.
When drinking black (especially on a regular basis), you’re going to notice the finer details of the actual flavor of the coffee, especially bitterness (or the lack thereof).
When you drink coffee with shittons of cream and sugar, that covers up essentially all of the bitterness, and makes a lot of the intricacies of coffee disappear.
I find the same thing goes with chocolate. A nice, 80+% dark chocolate will have a much more complex and rich flavor to me than, say, a milk chocolate (even a high quality milk chocolate). The bitterness is a big reason why. It leaves this amazing aftertaste that I can never get enough of.
You are unironically correct. Cold (black) coffee is still great and reheated coffee tastes horrible.
Reheated coffee doesn’t taste any different
it becomes more bitter because more heat breaks down more of the oils in the coffee. it’s why coffee that’s been on a hotplate for a while becomes muddy.
It does to me and my fellow coffee snobs.
Edit: Apparently, it’s a bit more complicated than that. Microwaving briefly up to about 65° is the way to go, if you don’t like cold coffee.
Cold, black coffee is still delish.
reheated espresso tastes a WHOLE lot different, and reheated latte or flat white etc… well… nothing about them is the same except the caffeine content at that point
i can’t speak much for drip because american and australian coffee preparations are very different, but i imagine it’d be similar: coffee has oils in it, and i imagine that when it cools down the oils would solidify out… reheating the oils would reliquify them, but i’m not sure they’d be evenly distributed or even in the liquid any more (could be on the cup)
similar reasons as to why freeze dried doesn’t taste as good
I disagree, but I think people are WAY too snobby about coffee in general. I drink cheap coffee with soy milk, warm, cold, reheated. It’s all the same.
You do you. I taste the difference.
When drinking black (especially on a regular basis), you’re going to notice the finer details of the actual flavor of the coffee, especially bitterness (or the lack thereof).
When you drink coffee with shittons of cream and sugar, that covers up essentially all of the bitterness, and makes a lot of the intricacies of coffee disappear.
I find the same thing goes with chocolate. A nice, 80+% dark chocolate will have a much more complex and rich flavor to me than, say, a milk chocolate (even a high quality milk chocolate). The bitterness is a big reason why. It leaves this amazing aftertaste that I can never get enough of.
Why are you telling me, lol? ^^
It’s more for other people reading the comment chain :P