I have.
It’s, just sometimes that occurs when I eat.
Munching for a bit, then hook my finger and pull my hair out.
I can’t push my hair back, because it is wavy and demands to be able to flow over my shoulders.
I can’t tie it up lest it rebels and consumes the hairband.
I have just learned to accept it. Have you?
I feel a lot of replies here aren’t getting it, like yh it happens.
I have wavy hair with a lot of volume, and I do push it behind my ear or whatever, but sometimes when I eat, I find a piece.
It’s not when I’m cooking, and I’m sure if I had straight hair it would stay behind my ear neatly all the time. Wearing a bonnet or a hairband is not something to do in the middle of meal too? And it would ruin the style after.
It is what it is. I’ve gotten hair in the mouth while making out too!
Editing just to say, it’s fine man. Embrace the waves! They are beautiful, and people in real life find it cute. Most people want their hair to have more volume but you’ll get answers online making it seem weird or wrong because it isn’t what’s common.
…i tie back my hair or tuck it behind my ears when i eat…
As a guy who used to have long hair, this. If it’s long enough, you could also tuck it underneath your shirt collar in a pinch.
I just put my hair up when I eat
It’s just extra seasoning.
That spicy keratin
Delicious scented shampoo flavour!
I have dreadlocks. If there are hairs in my food, i will know :D
No, I pull it back when I eat. And when I cook or serve food.
Most girls I see with big curly (or other textured) hair use wraps or bonnets of some kind, usually silk. It does usually have a snug elastic band around the forehead, backs of the ears, and nape of the neck, but the top that holds the actual hair is usually looser and flowy. Another option is to contain the hair in a silk scarf wrapped in some sort of elaborate layered wrap system that you can either look up on YouTube or possibly go learn from a black or other curl / texture specializing hairdresser. If you’re looking for something more masculine, black men usually call it a do-rag, or you could get a bonnet that is in a darker more subdued color and side profile.
In either case you would have to accept that big textured hair does demand somewhat counter-cultural styles just for practical reasons; there’s a lot of stigma around them, at least in the states. I work in an institutional setting in a predominately black area and one of the more twisted bits of US irony is that we institutionalize black and other non-white people more often, then don’t stock the hair products they need, then send them to court looking a fucking mess.
We had a really really beautiful success / recovery story this week after I had an utterly hellish experience with the same patient the previous week and I was reflecting that I really live for those moments because it can be otherwise difficult to justify my role in this system, and I work in the kinder mental health half now, not the completely fucked correctional end. Sorry for the tangent, I’ve had some pretty big emotional highs and lows of late.
I normally make a pony tail while eating (or at least brush then back over my shoulders and into my shirt to hold them there) I also have very strong hair, I recommend those silicon hair ties which look like sealing rings, they hold everything. If they break, just get thicker ones
I’ve have long hair for about 35 years now. I guess mine is wavy too (?) although when it’s humid I’ll get some tight pipe curls. Just tie it back out of the way. Best hair bands I’ve found are made of pantyhose material, they don’t snag or wrap up in your hair. They do come in different sizes so if you have thick hair you can get a larger band.
Regardless, no matter what you do you’ll always eventually get some hair in your food.
Eh, a ponytail is easy.
But, yeah, back in my younger days when I let it stay loose when I wasn’t at work, and now when I’m feeling all sexy, it can get in the way of things.
Less now, what with the balding, but still.
Tbh though, the only time I ran into heavy infiltration while eating was when there was a lot of air movement. Since neither my Jr high or high school was air conditioned, that was pretty much all warm days, and the cold days where they needed air flow. Those ceiling fans could move.
I have fairly straight hair once it’s past shoulder length, so that might help. It’s super fine though, so it doesn’t take much to get it moving.
My beard doesn’t get in the way at all. My mustache, however, when I let it reach soup strainer length and don’t use wax or balm, sandwiches are a laugh :)
I have adopted a somewhat haughty looking stance for eating where my head is angled back just to avoid this.
ooo, maybe I’ll do the same
No. Sometimes.
Beards are sometimes like that too.
Let’s talk more about the headbands. I use the cheap elastics and haven’t had an issue. Have you tried a large handkerchief?
Ooo, a handkerchief might be cute!✨
I just usually keep my hair tied back with a rubber band, a head band, or under a bandana, if doing most anything but just sitting.
Ew, no. I don’t use my hair as a filter. Saliva smells gross when it dries, I can’t imagine hair with dried spit smells good. I don’t understand what you mean when you say you can’t push it back, I literally just push my hair to either side of my face so it doesn’t go in my mouth when I eat. I can’t imagine a hair type that’s impossible to avoid chewing on.
Here is what happens in a step by step process.
- I push my hair behind my ears (out of the way)
- I tilt head down to choose something to eat
- I select an item to eat.
- I raise the item up.
- At about this time, my hair has pulled itself free by sheer tensile force alone.
- Hair flops onto the edges of my mouth.
- Food item enters my mouth, hair latching on.
- I now have hair in my mouth.
This is what my wavy thick hair does everyday, every meal, every time.
What I have difficulty with, is when some wayward knotted cluster I’ve inadvertently consumed, tries to jump ship the next day in the restroom, while having managed to braid itself on one end into my derrière hair, while the other side of it is still chilling somewhere up in my small intestine.
nice reading this 👍