As an old Canadian socialist with the lumps to prove it, I agree. There is so much performance, and so little action. I spend time on reddit, trying to get keyboard warriors to understand that posting an opinion will not magically cause the fascist Administration to collapse and get a lot of “The media refuses to cover us!” bullpuckey. There are thousands of newsrooms in the USA that are not owned by billionaire tech bros or MAGA devotees (see, for example › list-of-independent-media ) and most social media is still wide open to pictures and facts about your actions. If you are acting, let the independent media – most but not all of whom are progressive, check first – know and post your pictures (faces blurred if need be) and stories everywhere you can reach people.
Meantime, buy Canadian, buy local, or don’t buy at all, at least it’s something!
Your link is lib media, it is exactly them who will keep them in line and sell real progressives out.
If not blatantly collaborate with the regime.
Scratch a liberal…
This second hand comment is just repeating your mistaken assumption that this futile-non event is “doing something good”.
And tell little Erika to touch some grass. The battles are not fought online where she undoubtably spends too much time thinking she’s changing the world with her opinions.
And that’s where you encounter this meaningless word ‘leftist’ used by the americans. WTF does that mean, do they know?
Is it the useless “lib/democrat/progressives” (or whatever other silly term they use) spaces where they hang out and decide they’re going to change their avatar to defeat fascism?
Or does it mean real socialist spaces where Erika would get immediately called out on her BS, which made her complain they’re not thankful for her revolutionary actions.
I bet it’s that.
These are scary spaces to them and way out of their Overton window.
There they would read words like organising and praxis. Actuall effective stuff.
But that is way too ambitious for the US pacified apathic neutered mind.
That would require effort and commitment.
As an old Canadian socialist with the lumps to prove it, I agree. There is so much performance, and so little action. I spend time on reddit, trying to get keyboard warriors to understand that posting an opinion will not magically cause the fascist Administration to collapse and get a lot of “The media refuses to cover us!” bullpuckey. There are thousands of newsrooms in the USA that are not owned by billionaire tech bros or MAGA devotees (see, for example › list-of-independent-media ) and most social media is still wide open to pictures and facts about your actions. If you are acting, let the independent media – most but not all of whom are progressive, check first – know and post your pictures (faces blurred if need be) and stories everywhere you can reach people.
Meantime, buy Canadian, buy local, or don’t buy at all, at least it’s something!
Your link is lib media, it is exactly them who will keep them in line and sell real progressives out.
If not blatantly collaborate with the regime.
Scratch a liberal…
This second hand comment is just repeating your mistaken assumption that this futile-non event is “doing something good”.
And tell little Erika to touch some grass. The battles are not fought online where she undoubtably spends too much time thinking she’s changing the world with her opinions.
And that’s where you encounter this meaningless word ‘leftist’ used by the americans. WTF does that mean, do they know?
Is it the useless “lib/democrat/progressives” (or whatever other silly term they use) spaces where they hang out and decide they’re going to change their avatar to defeat fascism?
Or does it mean real socialist spaces where Erika would get immediately called out on her BS, which made her complain they’re not thankful for her revolutionary actions.
I bet it’s that.
These are scary spaces to them and way out of their Overton window.
There they would read words like organising and praxis. Actuall effective stuff.
But that is way too ambitious for the US pacified apathic neutered mind.
That would require effort and commitment.