Anyone else struggling to avoid Amazon because of the price of some things? I need 3M Tegaderm for example and on Amazon it cost 28€ for 10cm by 10m roll and on other sites that are not Amazon I can only find it for pretty much double the price ( has it for 58,40€ and has it for 49,60€ Stuff like this really makes it difficult.

Anyone know where I can find this as cheap as on Amazon or at least not much more expensive?

    15 days ago

    Amazon has good pricing and availability.

    • Local shops had nilfisk pressure washer o ring kit for 50 eur.

    • Amazon had it for 10. And even that is overpriced.

    • Local espresso cleaning tablets (8 pack) are like 16 eur.

    • Amazon has them for 10 eur. Oh and its a bottle of 100 cleaning tablets.

    • Spray booths are like 200 eur here at local hobby store.

    • Amazon has the same one for like 80.

    For that money I’ll gladly sell out the yanks to russia and destroy local pop and mom shops. Not to mention things like battery powered lightbulbs, iwata gas stoves, popular IEMS, other small weird odds and ends do not exist outside of amazon.