Imo, Compared with Storm Gate, ZeroSpace look more geared towards SC2 fans compared to SG that is more WC3 with trees that serve as removable obstacles.
Imo, Compared with Storm Gate, ZeroSpace look more geared towards SC2 fans compared to SG that is more WC3 with trees that serve as removable obstacles.
Why does avery modern game have a color palette like it’s aimed for preschoolers?
Because everything being brown and grey is boring.
And it already looked lifeless back in 2006
I lived through the grimbrown era, and I’ll happily tolerate any kind of color assaults on my senses because it reminds me the era has gone.
Everything looking the same is boring. FTFY.
It’s a competitive game. You have to be able to recognize features as fast as possible and a vibrant color scheme can help with that. And I just like seeing things without turning max brightness and going in the basement. There is no need to set some mood here with a dark gothic color palette
Surely part of being competitive is being able to quickly recognise features regardless of being spoon fed?
In a competitive RTS game where there can be multitude of different units in the hundreds you need to be able to tell the difference between. Else its just a messy blob that you attack move into and theres no skill or strategy, just a spray and pray. Visual clarity is extremely important otherwise the game feels bad to play and the competitive scene will die instantly cause no spectator can understand whats going on.
Exactly. Visual clarity is not just for the players, which can get used to anything after thousands of hours of play, but for spectators as well which will not have the same dedication.
CoH is also competitive.
Haha, good joke.
That might just be you bro.
I’m with you. Loved the art of Tiberian Sun. I’d like to go back to those days.