it’s a fake tweet
OP acknowledged the tweet as being false and made the appropriate edits to acknowledge it.
There’s no need to continue reporting it.
Please tag your post as a joke, not real, or similar. If you leave it in its current state [2], you are knowingly peddling disinformation [1].
Update (2025-03-06T01:45Z): OP has modified the post’s body stating that it’s a fake tweet [3]. Imo, the title should preface that it’s fake [1].
- Type: Article. Title: “Trump post saying US president should be impeached if Dow drops 1,000 points in 2 days isn’t real”. Author: “Jordan Liles”. Publisher: “Snopes”. Published: 2023-03-05. Accessed: 2025-03-06T01:37Z. URI:
- ¶4.
[…] Trump did not post a 2012 tweet saying the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropping 1,000 points in two days should result in a U.S. president’s immediate impeachment. […]
- ¶4.
- Type: Post (Through: App (Name: “Thunder”.)). Title: “I mean we’ve done it twice let’s get it started already”. Author: “”. Publisher: [“Political Memes” (“!”). Lemmy.]. Published: 2025-03-05. Accessed: 2025-03-06T01:42Z. URI:
- Type: Post (Through: Website (Name: “”)). Title: “I mean we’ve done it twice let’s get it started already”. Author: “”. Publisher: [“Political Memes” (“!”). Lemmy.]. Published: 2025-03-05T23:50:32Z. Accessed: 2025-03-06T01:54Z. URI:
mods say im fine also i don’t appreciate how you deleted then reposted to spam my notifs.
[…] i don’t appreciate how you deleted then reposted to spam my notifs.
What? I haven’t deleted, nor reposted anything in this context. Are you sure you aren’t just getting a ping because I @mentioned you in the comment’s references [1]?
- Type: Comment (Through: Website. Name: “”.). Author: “Kalcifer” (“”). Publisher: [Type: Post. Title: “I mean we’ve done it twice let’s get it started already”. Author: “”. Publisher: [“Political Memes” (! Lemmy]. Published: 2025-03-05T23:50:32Z. URI:]. Published: 2025-03-06T01:56:28Z. Accessed: 2025-03-06T02:26Z. URI:
- Highlighted in yellow are the mentions to’s contained within the comment’s “References” spoiler.
- Type: Comment (Through: Website. Name: “”.). Author: “Kalcifer” (“”). Publisher: [Type: Post. Title: “I mean we’ve done it twice let’s get it started already”. Author: “”. Publisher: [“Political Memes” (! Lemmy]. Published: 2025-03-05T23:50:32Z. URI:]. Published: 2025-03-06T01:56:28Z. Accessed: 2025-03-06T02:26Z. URI:
Just a harmless observation here, but I can’t help but notice that liberals spend way too much time de-bunking, but not nearly enough time bunking.
what does this mean lol
Good question! I mean, I’m not suggesting that the left should create compelling, motivating, entertaining (but not necessarily “literally” true) content targeting low-information voters in an effort to swamp out fascist garbage. Nor would I imply that the time has come to use every underhanded, dirty, ratfucking trick in the book to make those voters distrust Republicans. Heaven forbid!
But I will say outright that in my estimation the left’s fastidious, timid, mousy attempts to debunk the tidal wave of fascist bullshit is not working out very well.
too much sarcasm i was being genuine. if you want to give me a real answer feel free but i literally cannot parse what you mean here :(
We need more viral leftist shitposting, and less concern about getting every single fact exatly right.
oh okay thank you!
yeah actually a lot of my account is focused doing exactly that :) this is reposted, but my original content i try to keep very rhetorically effective—and i also fact check it (unlike this trainwreck lol)
i did, as soon as i had time. downvote to say thanks :)
I think OP is editing this comment [1] in bad faith:
Current version [1.1]:
Original version [1.2]:
- Type: Comment. Author: “”. Publisher: [Type: Post. Title: “I mean we’ve done it twice let’s get it started already”. Author: “”. Publisher: [“Political Memes” (“!”). “Lemmy”.]. Published: 2025-03-05T23:50:32Z. URI:]. URI:
- (Through: Website. Name: “”.). Published: 2025-03-06T00:02:54Z. Accessed: 2025-03-06T02:04Z.
- (Through: App. Name: “Thunder”.). Published: 2025-03-05. Accessed: 2025-03-06T00:01:03Z.
- Type: Article. Title: “Trump post saying US president should be impeached if Dow drops 1,000 points in 2 days isn’t real”. Author: “Jordan Liles”. Publisher: “Snopes”. Published: 2023-03-05. Accessed: 2025-03-06T01:37Z. URI:
“Did I say that? I can’t believe I said that.”
He actually never did say this one. It’s a joke.
This kind of misinformation (OP) should either be tagged or not allowed at all. Like, most of us understand it’s a joke but still, maybe we should have better standards than other sites.
yall i got to it as soon as i had time to edit the post and i thanked and upvoted the fact check as soon as i got the notification
literally chill. it’s now tagged. this is a meme community.
I wanna start a contest for a little parody label watermark we can apply to the corner of memes like this
You know what I care about in my meme communities? Absolute truth. It can’t be a joke or satire, and absolutely no absurdity, it has to be factual information only in my meme communities.
I think there’s a difference between meme and a completely made up Tweet (or any social media post) where a non-user would not be able to tell if the Tweet is real.
It’d be fun to see him explain it as someone else, hacked account for example which would say either he or Elmo can’t keep a password safe.
he didn’t say that it’s a meme
I know, he just also recently said that when he was asked if Zelensky is a dictator
/gen? would love a source if so i must have missed that
oh there’s been a miscommunication but i now see what u mean tyty
As much as I admire this, it must be remembered that the Orange Clown does not play by any rules, including those he imposes on others.
Especially those he would impose on others.
The hypocrisy is purposeful; it’s a power move.
thanks for fact check, appreciated :)
Me likes a quick pre-post web search so I can make note of something like that in the post body
Give ourselves some ammo on the moral battle of mis/disinfo 😎
you got it thanks for being nice everyone else is such jerks about it :)
Someone ping me when impeachments mean something.
Trump has been impeached already.The goal is to make short term bank and leave everyone else in the country, including the country worse off.
Theyre essentially pumping and dumping america
One last big heist for old times’ sake
You son of a bitch, I’m in
Same reason why they’re trying to sell off all the public land and government buildings in order to create a “sovereign wealth fund” full of dubious “investments” like crypto controlled by their cronies. It’s about to be literally the biggest scam ever perpetrated in America.
Remember Obama and Ebola? Trump said that if one American died from Ebola then Obama should resign. A million dead and he ran again.
Now we have measles killing kids. At least kids were mostly safe from COVID. And we already have a vaccine for measles so there is no reason for the deaths.
Good old Pandemic Don
Why are we posting straight-up lies?
because i didn’t know also it’s a joke and impacts no one.
post is now tagged.
There’s always a tweet.
it’s not real heads up
Yes I know this has been fact checked, but I don’t want to complain about that.
I want to complain how often we hear “down” or “up” by points or dollars over a very short period of time.
It should always be talked about in %. Because people who invest the money don’t give a rats ass about the $ or point increase or decrease. They want to know how much they lost or gained.
Unless you are a broker or market maker, then you care, because it becomes about the volume of trades rather than the actual gain/loss.
Yeah, and 1000 points in 2012 is 3000 points today. The dow won’t drop 3000 points because they’ll just halt trading.
this is true and no one but you is saying it
Tell me this guy and probably his controllers aren’t shorting on the DOW 🤷♂️
There was a time when I loved all the hypocritical call outs for Trump. Now it is just depressing knowing none of it matters. He’s gonna say bullshit and his supporters are going to know it is bullshit and still love it.
don’t worry the whole thing is made up :) fully fictional content
Honestly, who can tell anymore?
deleted by creator