Ehh fat people need to stop trying to hone in on the moral high ground of race, sexuality, and disability and just accept they are fat fucks because they eat like pigs and don’t deserve special treatment. If you don’t like it put down the hoho and eat some fucking kale.
It’s not that easy for everyone. People’s metabolism works in different ways and genetics is also a huge factor. I have a friend who eats roughly the same as me and regularly goes to the gym while I don’t, and still weighs like 40kg more.
Plus, even when metabolism isn’t the issue, a lot of those people have eating disorders and shaming them for that isn’t cool.
Ehh fat people need to stop trying to hone in on the moral high ground of race, sexuality, and disability and just accept they are fat fucks because they eat like pigs and don’t deserve special treatment. If you don’t like it put down the hoho and eat some fucking kale.
It’s not that easy for everyone. People’s metabolism works in different ways and genetics is also a huge factor. I have a friend who eats roughly the same as me and regularly goes to the gym while I don’t, and still weighs like 40kg more.
Plus, even when metabolism isn’t the issue, a lot of those people have eating disorders and shaming them for that isn’t cool.
You should eat some makeup so you can be prettier on the inside.