It’s ironic that I listen mostly to songs without lyrics but often mentally imagine lyrics for many of those songs.
It’s kind of cheating, but [Popplagið] by Sigur Rós. I’d argue that the vocals in it are instrumental, since they’re in a made-up language consisting of gibberish words.
Little Martha by The Allman Brothers does the weirdest thing in my brain. It’s just a fantastic instrumental acoustic guitar piece, but my brain desperately tries to “find” words in the melody. It’s almost like it’s a foreign language and I’m trying to suss out the meaning somehow. I’ve never run into another song that does that.
Because I am doing a playthrough Morrowind main theme.
interstellar overdrive from pink floyd
the swirl of sound is a special language of its own
I always imagined lyrics for Super Mario Land world 3 when playing as a kid.
🎶Nimm mich mit, nach Little America.🎶
I don’t remember anything else.
Batman. I like to add “duh nuh nuh nuh” and “BATMAN!”