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- stateleveldoge@lemm.ee
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- stateleveldoge@lemm.ee
Because the existing workforce keeps getting deported.
Conservative agenda:
Put young males to work until they’re old enough to enlist.
Get young girls married and popping out babies as young as possible.
Don’t think they aren’t eyeing up little 13 year olds.
Yeah - see the thing about the evil trans pedos that totally exist and are kidnapping children to chop their penises off - they just aren’t following the rules for sex with children. It’s gotta be between an adult man and a young girl he can groom and abuse into being a perfect child-wife-slave forever (ever notice the baby voice fundie women like the Duggers tend to have?)
Economically, socially, spirituality (even if you divorce the 45 that groomed you into getting hitched at 18 - Jesus hated divorce!) dependent. Of course, once he takes an interest in that sophomore in the youth ministry, it’s her fault for not putting out enough.
“Do you know any kids who have been married at age 12? I do. And guess what? They’re still married.”
Don’t think they aren’t eyeing up little 13 year olds.
Judging from the Trump Supporting Pastor just arrested, Matt Gatez and the rest, I assume it’s not just eyeing the 13 year olds for work.
If they’re following GOP Rep Dennis Hastert’s plan, it’s not just the girls they’re attempting to get pregnant
Deport workers and fill their positions with literal children. That’s an insane proposition that will only hurt the vulnerable and favour those willing to use them…
That would be a great point if not for the “rabble rabble DEI! rabble rabble Bootstraps!”
Stupid lib!
I think what they were getting at was that you made a good point, but unfortunately those in power use devicive rhetoric in order to keep us mad at each other instead of mad at them.
Ohhh that’s a bingo!
Nothing says “freedom” like 1920s labor laws.
lol not even allowed a meal break. Can’t keep them healthy and energised for the job! 🤣
What a shithole America is becoming
America requires immigrants to function and has for almost 250 years.
Well, now we don’t. Just need a lot of young pregnant women giving us our next generation of labor au naturale
Well they need flock cameras and palantir drones over every neighborhood in the country to enforce their visions.
Freedom of assembly. In private. Is the only shovel to dig out.
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Unfortunately, modern cars will track you even if you block the plate. They all have cell connections nowadays for things like firmware updates and manufacturer tracking. You should assume that every single thing you do in your car is recorded and sent straight back to the manufacturer. Car companies have shifted their priorities towards selling data, not just cars.
If you go to a rally, don’t drive, and don’t take public transit because they all have cameras in the cabins. Ride a bike, walk, use a motorcycle, or basically anything besides a car or public transport.
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Yeah the flocks run on solar too
European here: WTF?
Please send help
No. You elected this shit on your own. Play stupid games - win stupid prizes.
That’s debatable considering rump has twice now stated on camera that the election was rigged in his favor.
That said, enjoy your popcorn while you can. This train is coming off the rails and may very well effect you personally in time.
WE didn’t elect them.
The south elected them, out of the same vile hate they’ve nurtured for 160 years.
When I was young they kept to their shit holes, but they’ve since leaked out and spread everywhere, and now the country is in ruins.
Of course you did!
Keep protesting American products please. It actually will help. If trump is losing the US money, he will be reigned in.
But will the reining in end the reign?
Did I do the wrong one? I still can’t tell, lol. Sorry grammar gurus, I’m not one of you.
Hi there! You did do the wrong one ;) reins refers to the item that is used to guide horses and the like, and so “reining something/someone in” is the correct term. Reign means to rule over.
It might help you remember which is which if you think of Santa’s REINdeer (deer wearing reins)! Hope that helps :)
Another way to remember it is that the ‘g’ in “reign” stands for GNU.
Some people might think that’s a stupid memory trick, but I think it rules.
I appreciate the help. I wonder if they’ll ever have grammar bots on lemmy.
No problem!
My guess is it’s only a matter of time
It might rein him in on tariffs and attempted land theft but it is unlikely to continue past that. Though I do believe that the boycott of American made may be longer lasting than those threats and as an American I actually appreciate those boycotts. Those in power need to understand what isolationism actually means.
Seconded. Do not buy our products. Build your militaries, sad to say. Save your holidays for better nations.
Hello, I see you haven’t met government bailouts to big corporations 👋 Oh and it appears brand endorsements on White House lawn has just woken up from her nap.
This is what happens when your government loves business more than people. Do not feed the corporations. They will do this to you too.
The south came back in overtime to win the civil war.
The country is gone, save yourselves.
General Sherman’s biggest mistake was stopping the push before reaching the ocean.
Then you should remember the rise of fascism pretty clearly. That is “what the fuck”
Just a quick question: do people above the age of 17 not get guaranteed meal breaks?
No. Or any other kind of break. Also benefits are determined by part time vs full time, which itself is generally determined be working either less than 40 hours a week, or 40+. In other words part time is generally 39.99999 hours a week.
You wouldn’t believe labour rights here in Germany. And yet, the work gets done.
Yeah, but your social safety nets are strong, and rich people and companies are highly taxed in order to fund those social safety nets. That makes any random worker far more motivated to go and do their job than if they were getting absolutely ass-fucked in 1 trillion different ways every hour of every day, like they are in the United States — purely in the name of prophet –, all while the propaganda tries to convince them and everyone else that’s because they are “weak“.
I suddenly have no difficulty understanding why the red October revolutionist didn’t try to “rehabilitate” the imperials, and just murdered the fucking a lot of them.
Nope, rich people and companies do not pay German social security. It’s all funded by compulsory insurance for everyone except the rich.
I worked for a German company briefly. The pay was great and they literally wouldn’t let me do overtime. Best job I’ve ever had.
Come back! Germany will need loads of qualified workers in the coming years. There are 500 billion to be spent on infrastructure and the labor market is already quite tight. We will need people everywhere and in many places English-speaking colleagues are not a problem.
If y’all need more software/computer engineers with Quality German Humor, and whatever my ex qualifies as, (she don’t got no skills or education IDK if that’s a problem) I’ll gladly come on over.
(We’re a package deal because of my kid 😔)
I’ve got a Mexican coworker. She was terrified when she returned after her first sickday, fearing a profound scoulding by our consultant. She did get one - when she turned up sick a couple of weeks later :)
Oh i would believe them. I’m a federal employee (for now), we’re considered to have “great benefits” that are actually less than the bare minimum in many first world countries; we also get less pay (at least in IT) compared to private sector to “justify” these benefits. The benefits they are constantly chipping away it while also taking more out of our paychecks each year with raises below actual cost of living and inflation.
In Canada the federal government ends up having to hire contractors for anything IT related because the pay is crap when on the inside, in the end it costs more than just increasing IT’s pay to be somewhat competitive
As a Californian, I also find this shocking. What the fuck, Florida?
To add to the previous comment, no.
Any benefits above slavery have been hard-fought, and hard-won for nearly a century. Hell, even the concept of a “weekend“ didn’t exist until union workers protested to the point where they demanded two days off every week.
Never forget: anything you have, anything you enjoy, anything that makes your life better… Thousands and, possibly, hundreds of thousands of people had to fight (and die) for decades before they even got a fraction of what we have now. And it’s always the fascist that wanna take it away.
And when they say “die” they mean in pitched gunfights, dark alleys, and other actual battles against criminals hired to break them. Not figuratively on a picket line.
Who are “they”?
Labor and civil rights historians. I just wanted to make your point very clear.
Lmao. Nope. And anything you are supposed to get is covered under the At Will employment laws. Which is a fancy way of saying your boss can walk in and say you’re fired at any time, give no reason, and tell the state it was for cause so they shouldn’t pay out your Unemployment Insurance.
Of course the few places that are unionized do get breaks and protection but that’s because they’re unionized. That’s like 1% of places though.
California does. Guaranteed 10 min break every two hours, and guaranteed 30 min unpaid lunch if you work over 6 hours, mandatory overtime after 10 hours, and a second 30 min meal break if working over 12 hours. Although, many bosses love to pretend those 10 minute breaks don’t exist (especially in construction).
Guaranteed 10 min break every two hours
PAID 10 minute breaks, as in you don’t have to clock out. Also gonna add that you get extra breaks if working outdoors during extreme heat, 95+ iirc.
You’re supposed to get those extra heat breaks, but they don’t always happen, again depends on the boss.
Looking at the other comments I guess it depends on the state. I’m in my 30s and have had a few friends over the years tell me that they sued, and won, their employers for missing breaks. Needless to say all of my managers/bosses have gone out of their way to make sure I get my breaks to avoid that happening. I have even heard of situations where people just randomly get a check in the mail because somebody else sued the company and after an audit it was discovered that the company was not allowing for proper breaks. This forced all past employees to get compensated for it. California in case you’re wondering.
No, not in Florida. Other states do however.
Florida’s new State motto is “The Most Cruelty Under the Sun”
The US is regressing more and more. I refuse to call it a first world country at this point.
“First world” etc are political terms relating to Cold War allegiance.
What you mean is “developed country” and there are good arguments that the US has never fully fitted that label. You’d have people coming from “developing countries” to the US and realize that infrastructure and social security there is way worse than in their home country.
Yeah, exactly. First world was allied with the US. Second world was allied with the soviets. Third world was basically everyone else, and was largely considered irrelevant to the Cold War. That’s why “third world” became a signifier of undeveloped countries; If a country wasn’t part of the Cold War, it was likely because they didn’t have enough developed resources or manpower to be considered a war asset. If they were developed enough to contribute, one of the two sides would have already been working on recruiting them to the war.
Yes but the “American Dream” was never that. It was always to get richer than everyone else and so I can just say fuck 'em to the plight of the rest. Or in alternative terms, it only concerns me when it actually directly affects me.
I believe the results of the last election and the ensuing “executive orders” actions are direct proof of that. Also it was proof of the large stupidity of the masses, something the Covid years exposed, but was directly proved in the election results. It was just a matter of time before a high level professional conman was so brazen about it.
USA is a third world country with a Gucci belt.
With fake timbs
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Reason number 11,462,821 why you can never, under any circumstances, trust conservatives with power.
Oh. Ok, Florida, see you guys are really taking the dystopia thing pretty damn seriously
They watched cyberpunk: edgerunners and got really inspired by the wrong things.
Have you seen minecraft? Children YEARN for the mines!
They’ve been the testing ground for every stupid new fascist idea for a while now.
Sorry kids, you’re not old enough for a lunch break.
Right? This is… I never wanna hear “Won’t someone think of the children” again after this shit
It builds character. Malnourishment is character.
Why the hell would you want children working overnight on school nights?
“Worst thing a fruit picker can learn is that they don’t have to be a fruit picker.” - Big Fruit
Even worse, that they’re the ones generating the money.
So they drop/fail out of school. An uneducated labor force is a cheap labor force.
An Uneducated Labor Force also ensure those laborers can’t compete for better positions, or demand better conditions.
However, they also result in the country slowly trending towards irrelevancy
In today’s economies, everything is about high skill labour. It really is just cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Capitalism has no long-term goal. It’s been literally making the planet inhabitable for humans since its birth.
They’d rather be lords of the shit heap than citazens of anything better.
And a fantastic, “ask no questions” kind of military force
Also they don’t get taught critical thinking skills to understand why things are the way they are and easier to manipulate. That said my understanding of the general US education system is that it doesn’t teach that (or much of it) anyways.
Easier to manipulate, yes.
The US education system isn’t monolithic. There are lots of good public education systems in the US. It wouldn’t be the tech and economic powerhouse it is today (was yesterday?) if it didn’t have generally good public education. Part of the reason some people think “the system” is bad is because their particular state/county/district/school is bad.
That is irrelevant because they are also removing schooling for the children that will be taking those jobs.
~Supposed to be read somewhat /s but also not really /s because that is the plan~
Imagine the kids get smart and start thinking on their own as adults. They would no longer vote Rep. Imagine that!
It’ll cause them to drop out and become permanent cheap labor that can be exploited due to not having a highschool diploma.
They already thought of that. The department of education has already been dismantled. If there are no school nights there’s no problem, right?
Not just children. Anyone who isn’t rich, white, cis, straight, and Christian. If you’re not rich, then you must be a piece of shit, and you deserve nothing, not even the most basic human dignity (according to the 0.01%)
Why the hell would you want children working overnight
on school nights? FTFYFlorida does not care about education
the fine for truancy can range from $250 to as much as $500
local truancy officers who have the authority to arrest habitually truant youthsPrivate prison corpos have to get them some too
Haven’t you heard? The DOE is dead. No more pesky school to get in the way of these children’s productive hours! Ah, utopia at last.
So that only the children of rich parents can get a good education.
These kids already have jobs, they dont even need school. The ones with rich parents will still learn how to fuck everyone else over in their private schools, dont worry.
Legoland used to have a sign “Turning minors into miners” at the toy mine exhibit.
Fun fact, if you have a photo it might be the only one out there
It would have been near this display iirc.
Is this the beginning of child slavery?
No, it’s the child slavery 2.0 electric boogaloo
Seems to also be pushing for deregulation of worker hours, with the child work stuff being a nice bonus if they can get it.
Fuck Florida
So they gonna get the right to vote? Cause if they are going to be treated as adult they should get vote.
Let’s also decrease liquor and smokes to 8 while we are at it.
Also remove child support cause they are grown up to get their own jobs and health insurance.
f these people.
Health insurance? You think these kids are getting health insurance???
Laughs in capitalism