For the record, just in case it wasn’t blatantly obvious: I am AGAINST slavery

    4111 months ago

    He’s not wrong. Look at the amendment that banned alcohol. It was repealed through another amendment.

    The Constitution is meant to be updated and changed with modern times. What he’s meaning to say is that despite Republicans (who don’t even understand the fucking document) believing the Constitution is set in stone, it’s actually meant to be changed regularly.

    • The dogspaw
      111 months ago

      Its dangerous to change the constitution to much because it leads to a situation where nobody believes in the document anymore

      • So 27’s the magical limit? You think the people who were around when the 14th amendment was added didn’t spew the same bullshit?

        Rules always need to be updated or else we’d still be adhering to the fucking middle ages and still have slavery and kings.

        • The dogspaw
          211 months ago

          So when the republicans are in control and demanding the Constitution be changed to protect the sanctity of marriage and ban abortion to protect the life of children and stop child abuse by baning gender affirming care you would be totally on board with that because rules need to be updated or else we would still be in the middle ages and still have kings and slavery

  • Veraticus
    11 months ago

    I mean, he’s right though? The point of the Constitution is to be able to change so we can improve how we are governed. It’s not inviolate and sacrosanct, it’s supposed to be living.

    • It’s not even that anymore.

      I’m personally a slave. I have the choice between working or ending up homeless and starving. If I can’t work I’m told to go fuck myself and die.

      The only difference today is I don’t get whipped.

        1411 months ago

        No like…it’s literally in the Constitution.

        Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

            • Where in the Constitution does it say wage slavery is illegal?

              I’m not physically forced to work but if I stop making money for even a short period of time I’m at risk of losing everything. The modern age of America is wage slavery where we’re forced to work ridiculous hours just to be able to afford to barely survive. If that’s not modern slavery idk wtf is

                111 months ago

                How about being imprisoned for a bullshit crime where you can be forced to work without pay as outlined in the 13th amendment?

                I’m not saying your life is peachy, just making the point that slavery as it existed 150 years ago hasn’t fully gone away.

      • @canni
        211 months ago

        deleted by creator

          11 months ago

          Except then I’m not paying taxes and probably living on govt owned land which is illegal.

          You can’t own property you rent it from the govt. You can only grow your own food in certain designated areas. You can’t hunt on most govt property. You can’t cut random trees.

          If I did as you said and lived in the woods I’d be a felon.

          If you’re not making the govt money by paying taxes you’re imprisoned.

          • @canni
            111 months ago

            deleted by creator

            • Except that not only is leaving extremely expensive I have to prove to the other country I’m worth having as a citizen or else it’s called illegal immigration which, again, is illegal.

        2011 months ago

        No dawg you just post shit memes. Develop an actual sense of humor and try again and maybe you won’t be a total waste of server space on here.

        • ℛ𝒶𝓋ℯ𝓃
          11 months ago

          Disregard original comment, they just switched from politics to posting transphobic hate speech. Report sent, ban away.


          This. Is. Literally. A. Shitpost. Sub.

          F*ck this guy’s memes and political opinion, but they’re not breaking any rules (yet)… Until they start posting actual hatespeech we unfortunately just gotta block them or collectively laugh at them.

        1511 months ago

        Lmfao how 12 years old do you have to be to actually think this argument holds water in 2023. You’re about decade and a half late with that shit. Nobody likes you or your clown world view.

        711 months ago

        Liberals have been against slavery, conservatives have been for it. Republicans and Democrats, those are just labels. Nixon and Reagan cemented the Republican Party as the home for conservatives a while ago, it’s time to get with the times and realize that the Klan now votes for the Republicans, not the Democrats, and that there’s a reason for that.

    911 months ago

    Huh, seems to be one critter posting all this red pill shit. Thankfully, individual users can be blocked in Voyager/WefWef.

  • TigrisMorte
    511 months ago

    Slavery was never off the table. It just has extra steps now. Ya’ may want to actually read the documents prior to commenting upon them.