do not resist
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I had pretty good grades…took the ASVAB just to get out of English class (it was optional).
Got so many calls from recruiters because apparently I had gotten a really good score on the ASVAB, but it was early 2002 and I had absolutely no intention of enlisting. In retrospect I probably would’ve never seen combat and it probably would’ve been “better” for me in a lot of ways, but I have always been a liberal pacifist and it wouldn’t have jived well with me.
Less than ten percent of personnel are even trained for combat as part of their jobs, of that ten percent only ten percent see combat for a total of 1% of military members.
So unless you’re infantry or special operations, it’s basically all just administrative and maintenance work.
Not that it matters to you now, but that’s the reality. Most people are just doing regular jobs on a 9-5 schedule, it just happens to be in uniform.
I joined and a lot of the people from conservative states said that they had a day in high school where they were mandated to take the asvab. I’m originally from CA and had never heard that, I basically had zero idea of anything about entrance requirements for the military until I walked into the recruiters office for the first time. Pretty crazy.
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Grew up in MT in a town with a base. Parents were teachers and the kept me out of school the day of the ASVAB.
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Recruiter near me got scrutinized for having 16 year olds sign fake, non-binding “declarations of intent” to join up then essentially telling the kids that they’ve already signed up and will be punished for not finishing the paperwork when they turn 18.
Entrapment into the military? Now that’s a yikes.
This isn’t accurate at all. The recruiters are all about the high scoring students. There are plenty of low scoring kids, but there are a lot of jobs in the military that require exceptional aptitude, so the recruiters are all over those kids.
The problem is high scoring students have other opportunities and low scoring students are encouraged into this life choice by a society that is designed to convince them its their only option.
Furthermore, the school is giving a stranger a list of my grades without my consent…
I remember a stark difference between how the army recruiter ignored me my sophomore year and then called me out directly my junior year. My schools Vice Principal had literally pointed out students he thought would be worth the recruiters time, matching name to face.
Recruiters will be all over the entire spectrum. For every 2 uber-nerdy signal corps goobs, we need 4 light wheel mechanics, 3 light infantrymen, 12 combat service/support roles, 4 POL types, 3 french hens, about 3/4ths of a chemical-corps-tester-er-tech, the list goes on and on.
You expected realistic accuracy on a shitpost community?
In the Veritasium video about IQ they said that the American military actually has limits on how many people with below average IQ they can recruit. They found out that those people had a higher chance of dieing and needed way more training, so less people with higher IQ were better for the military success.
It’s pretty obvious if you’re not some armchair reactionary who thinks the average person enlists to kill brown people.
You mean the service members who are reading out wiring schematics and fixing advanced electronic warfare systems can’t be TOTAL MORONS?!? But… But… But… I thought the military was all just dipshits with guns? You mean most of them have to actually be smart?!?
The people who criticize military personnel for their intelligence probably wouldn’t even score high enough on the ASVAB to do half the jobs available. Test isn’t even that fucking hard, either.
Frankly, I knew I had to step up my academic game when I stopped getting army recruiters and started getting Marine Corp recruiters.
I correct, resist at all cost!
When I was in high school back in 2001 or so I used to get phone calls from them. I really did not like these calls. I eventually just said that these calls make me really uncomfortable. That was it. That stopped the calls.
I used to get like 1 call a day from recruiters from like 2003-2005 or so, asked them many times to stop calling but they didn’t for a long time.
Same. I think they stopped when I lied and said I got aids from my gay lover.
In reality I was a straight virgin.
Damn. I had to tell them I was autistic and suicidal (which was only a half-lie) to make them ignore me.
This is a good point - recruiters have zero interest in wasting their time on people who are already decided / have expressed their disagreement. The problem is that recruiting is a career stop for so many enlisted folk and not everyone follows the rules / is perceptive enough to back off given obvious and literal cues.
And if you don’t end up in recruiting, you’ll often end up instructing @ basic training lol… life is cruel.