The few conversations I’ve had there have been unproductive and inflammatory. While even in other instances when I’ve said something someone disagreed with they would at least support their statement. Also no one would tell me why the “Confused Unga Bunga” meme is racist but they keep accusing me of it. I’m all for open discussions but even the comments there are so angry and toxic.

Edit: I’m reading every comment and taking everything people said and considering all sides. My stance on the phrase has changed but I am still hesitant about giving hexbear a chance. I’ll sleep on it though.

  • Zoift [he/him]
    7110 months ago

    Unga Bunga is racist because of this shit.

    The phrase has a long history as a racist dogwhistle, and is deeply tied with “Race Science” horseshit.

    • @DrPopOP
      10 months ago

      Yeah I saw that but only after I added terms like racist and offensive to my search result, meaning if I just type that phrase by itself into Google nothing. I also don’t watch any of that shit because it’s like you said, horseshit.

      I will not use the phrase in the future though.

      • Zoift [he/him]
        10 months ago

        Yeah I saw that but only after I added terms like racist and offensive to my search result, meaning if I just type that phrase by itself into Google nothing.

        That’s the point of a dogwhistle. If they didnt want to whistle, they’d just yell a slur. The whole point of its racist usage being able to signal racist ideology to those in the know, while hiding behind people like yourself who insist on it being fine.

        The preferred response to learning of a dogwhistle for the first time is to go “Oh shit, my bad, i wont use it again.” It costs you nothing and removes camo for actual detestable people.

        When you argue to the effect “It not that racist”, you provide screening for racists, and are doing their work. Normalizing crypto racist shit attracts racists. For this reason, you will be dunked by bears.

        • @DrPopOP
          3010 months ago

          I’ll chock this up to ignorance then. I will be adding that to my list of things not to say.

          • Zoift [he/him]
            10 months ago


            It happens to all of us at one time or another. We all live in societies scarred by hundreds of years of brainworms; Grew up with them, internalized them. It takes effort to just see the scope of these brainworms, much less change them.

            Most of Hexbear is hyper-vigilant against this sort of thing because we’ve spent a lot of time deprogramming ourselves and others of these particular ideological blinders. We can get pretty defensive when our fash-detectors ping. I’m sorry if we’ve hit you with undeserved ire.

        • @DrPopOP
          1210 months ago

          You’re right and I understand that now but maybe because I compartmentalized it differently in my head as different from “ooga booga” which is highly racist. Thanks for actually explaining it to me. Language is weird.

            • @DrPopOP
              910 months ago

              Gimme 10 minutes, and yeah you put things in terms I could understand.

                • @DrPopOP
                  1010 months ago

                  I thought I was in a hexbear thread but I kept getting buzzwords thrown at me. It’s awfully jarring and did not help with me understanding the situation. I know it’s not an excuse but sometimes my autism makes it hard for me to see the proper path through the conversation.

    • itsyourmom
      410 months ago

      What the actual FUCK? I’ve never seen that shit before, and never want to see that shit again. Offensive.

  • ikiru
    4010 months ago

    I don’t understand all the hate. They’re just fucking funny. I have a great time there.

    Maybe if you’re not a Leftist then there’s no appeal.

    3610 months ago

    Interesting, I haven’t personally had any run ins with Hexbears, but everything I’ve read from them in non-Hexbear communities has generally looked fine to me. Sure, they argue hard and in detail when it comes to anything political and they can also be a little edgy, but I haven’t seen any of them be assholes, abusive, argue in bad faith, etc. So far I have appreciated their contributions. It probably helps that I generally agree with (many of?) them politically as far as I can tell, but despite that, if I saw them being assholes I would make notice because I don’t believe in defending the people in your team even when they’re doing wrong. I would be more likely to call them for taking the wrong approach instead. Do you have any example threads that demonstrate what you’re describing?

    • yukichigai
      2410 months ago

      What I’ve personally seen is that the moment they’re mentioned they descend en masse on a thread. Most comments are fairly innocuous but there’s always a few that are overly aggressive, and if nothing else the sheer volume can be overwhelming.

    • @DrPopOP
      10 months ago

      Edit: Yeah I see your point.

      • Zoift [he/him]
        2710 months ago

        I assure you, racists have not forgotten.

        Really, you don’t have to defend it.

      • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]
        10 months ago

        Edit: removed the snark because you do appear to be taking criticism, which is something someone with terminal reactionary brainworms does not do. Self criticism helps us grow and get better opinions, and I hope you’ll reevaluate Hexbear differently now that you see where we’re coming from

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        10 months ago

        It has more lasting relevance than your “my wholesome freeze-gamer buddies totally were just talking about a caveman video game from the 90s that never actually says Unga Bunga in it” claims.

        EDIT: Seems a 90s video game may have had a racist dogwhistle in it. Which absolves all uses of a racist utterance forever and ever!

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            1010 months ago

            Looks like you lied, again.

            You didn’t block this instance if you’re still scrambling to cover your ass.

            • @DrPopOP
              510 months ago

              I can’t with my app on mobile(unless it’s a recent)☠️ I’ve just been manually blocking each community as I see them. Being wrong is not the same as lying.

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                710 months ago

                You can be wrong and lie in alternating fashion, and that’s what you’ve done here so far.

                Go away already.

                • @DrPopOP
                  510 months ago

                  I showed you where in the game he said it, and didn’t change anything I said though, not counting editing my original comment. I’m willing to no longer use the phrase I just couldn’t stand you jumping on me with buzzwords and accusations. I do try to be a decent human, but I’m just some internet stranger to you. I was genuinely confused wanted help understanding it and you just dogpiled me.

      • fiat_lux
        310 months ago

        Historical usage informs modern usage. There are still people very negatively affected by outdated concepts that have carried through into modern language.

        Like women being associated with the word “hysterical” based on the idea that “hysteria” was a “wandering uterus” and caused behavioural problems. That idea is first found four thousand years ago in ancient Egyptian documents - yet still has influence on our language and thinking today.

        Time is not always enough to make poison innocuous.

      • all-knight-party
        110 months ago

        You could probably argue something like that, but perpetuating something so deeply rooted in racism isn’t worth it when the payoff is… Meme funnies.

    10 months ago

    Not really. Since we don’t have the ability to instance block ourselves yet I changed instances to one not federating with them to avoid them and similar authoritarian instances like lemmygrad and exploding heads. I swing pretty far left on the political spectrum myself, but there’s a difference between that and simping for dictators, genocide denial, and other problematic things. I don’t even get it, China and Russia can hardly be described as leftist by any definition but they’ll bend over backwards to defend anything they do, and try to change the subject to another country instead if they can’t.

      1610 months ago

      I really don’t understand the defense of Russia. Like if you are claiming to be communist, it’s arguably the worst example of exploitative capitalism going right now. Or they claim it’s because of colonialism while ignoring Russia’s history of conquering and controlling any nation near them.

  • Veraticus
    2710 months ago

    No, they’re bad people. Their whole point with federation was to troll other instances.

      • krolden
        410 months ago

        Any examples of genocide apology by hexbear users?

        • AngrilyEatingMuffins
          610 months ago

          People invariably point to the Uyghurs and apologisms about China in general. I’m sure that stuff exists, just as it does in any leftist space, but I’ve never interacted with it so I highly doubt it’s some great cause people pick up torches for. Then again maybe it is and I’ve just never seen it.

  • aebletrae [she/her]
    2110 months ago

    Uh, the XiBucks, obviously.

    Look, I get it. Hexbear is a demanding place to be. It expects you to not be a complete asshole almost all the time. You’re regularly tested on knowledge of an emoji system so complex, it’s been known to make London cab drivers cry. If you unthinkingly parrot talking points, you’ll be pounced on with annoying facts and aggressive reasonable concern for the value of other people. And if you emit the slightest Hitler particle, you’ll be outright banned. How authoritarian! Honesty, sometimes I wonder why I signed up, never mind stay around.

    But then I remember that the folks there are a deeply caring lot, who see the problems in the world and actually want to do something about it—even though the goal often seems barely possible—and, in spite of everything, retain a sense of humour and try to make improvements for each other, even if, for now at least, it can only be a :meow-hug:.

    Oh, and the XiBucks, of course. Some of us even get roubles, too!

  • Ho_Chi_Chungus [she/her]
    2110 months ago

    We have my hampter. His name is Biggs. His favorite hobby is biting my fingers and calling me a virgin on the internet

  • HSL
    1910 months ago

    The question itself is inflammatory but there has generally been a good discussion. Locking instead of removing.

    1710 months ago

    Nope. Its about as useful as any extremist population of users. Full of holier than thou bullshit to excuse their own prejudices and generally garbage world view.