• Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Not sure why you got down voted, but I don’t think it’s a matter of guts either.

    Democrats suffer from the same thing that has plagued them for the last couple decades: Individualism and the inability to coelesce. The GOP has their party hyjacked by morons, but look at how they are still able to fall behind the morons for the most part. This is why Democrats always seem weak. It’s not a lack of courage or good ideas, it’s just that everyone has their own opinion on how best to do things and they can never truly fall in line. “Herding cats” is most apt here.

    Is it necessarily better to have everyone together for the wrong reasons? Nah, I’m just pointing out reality.

    Another consideration is that while being in Congress is still a great way to become a multimillionaire, nothing will really change. Neither party wants to rock the boat while things are so lucrative. It’s all talk.

    • Hazdaz@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I agree with you 100% about how Republicans fall in-line like good little soldiers, but the fact remains that Democrats are almost never willing to go on the offensive. They will always react to whatever narrative Republicans are trying to push. And they’ve been like that for decades. That’s why even when Republicans are not in power, they are able to control the subjects under discussion. It is infuriating. Democrats are always too willing to make concessions. Too tilling to give in. Too willing to make peace. Republicans are bullies and they know they can get their way if they make a big enough stink about things. Republicans are always quickto attack, quick to go on the offensive.

      Look at the whole illegal immigrants situation. Republicans have shipped peopleto MA, DC,CA and probably a bunch of other places and each time Democrats have the same timid response. They denounce the actions and the hope it goes away and doesn’t happen again. But it does happen again and again and again because Democrats aren’t willing to actually go after the people organizing and carrying out these plans. Charge them with human trafficking. Make it very costly for anyone to help Republicans carry out these plans because they would he met with federal charges. Yet they don’t. They’re a bunch of pussies. They talk the big game and then nothing happens.

      Time and time again stuff like this happens and then they never follow through because they don’t have the balls to do it. Remember how right after Biden won but he wasn’t sworn into office yet,there were all these murmurs about expanding the Supreme Court to include more justices to dilute the voting power of Yhomas and the other right wing justices. There was all this planning and justifying that it would be legal. Democrats even controlled both sides of Congress. Then Biden was sworn in and that plan was never spoken of again.

        • SoylentBlake@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          If only one side respects any modicum of decorum, then news flash; there is no decorum.

          Dude is 100% right about Democrats. It’s why only those who fall in love come out, because the rest know that the average Dem ain’t gonna do a fucking thing for them.

          Choices are; Rep -> continue to tax you 35% plus unofficial (taxation without representation) taxes like mandated insurance until everyone is broke or in jail.

          Dem; SAME EXACT FUCKING THING but only at 70% the speed.

          Why do you think populism is back? Why did/does Trump and Sanders have/had so many supporters?

          I still vote for Sanders over anyone in the the Democratic party, without question. Cuz Sanders is willing to fight, and imo, for economic justice for all of us. The spoils need to be shared, the oligarchy dismantled, corporations de-peopled given moratoriums on business licenses and regulated to fucking high heaven -> the exact way the founding fathers intended and DID.

            • SoylentBlake@lemm.ee
              1 year ago

              Close. More dripping, sneering sarcasm (snarcasm?) than anything else, as if saying thru tone “how is this not known?” A la Christian Slater in Pump up the Volume.

              Man that takes me back to childhood. Slater was like the Keanu of slackers for Gen X. Kind of typecast into that rebellion role, like how Ryan Reynolds has made a career doing Van Wilder in every movie.