Personally I’m waiting for the 30th. I have a dream of crashing their servers with account deletion requests

  • TimeSquirrel
    41 year ago

    I did it this morning, I had already scrubbed everything and was just fucking around having some last couple conversations when someone tried to argue with me and tell me “haha whatever dude, you’ll be back after the 1st”, so that’s when I decided “fuck it, the time is now I guess”.

    Even in your last moments on the site, redditors can find a way to be dicks.

    • minorsecond
      21 year ago

      That was what persuaded me to delete as well. I was supporting the mods in /r/gis and mentioned that they should strike longer, and some user called me “fucking stupid,” and mentioned some bs about how the subreddit is important because people find answers there via google.

      So I edited every single one of my 11 years of comments to some text pointing people to Lemmy, and nuked my account. Haven’t missed it since.

      I sincerely hope that toxicity doesn’t find its way here.

      • TimeSquirrel
        11 year ago

        Did you happen to pick up some bans along the way? IamA banned my account seconds after PowerDeleteSuite came through and changed all my comments there to point to my new profile on Kbin.

  • nostalgia_for_infinity
    31 year ago

    Nah but I haven’t logged in yet. I will probably delete it at some point but leave the comments up. I’m fine with leaving whatever value I have contributed on Reddit. It’s their website and they own the content I willfully added. But I won’t contribute more.

  • kats
    21 year ago

    @kraiden I’m still enjoying reading the drama, but yeah after Boost stops working I’m out

  • RoboRay
    1 year ago

    I’ve removed all of my many years of comments (edited them first, so if they restore my comments they get strings of randomly-generated words to screw up the data feed going to the LLM text-scrapers), but I will not be deleting my account. I want to keep it operational so that I can see if they try to restore my stuff, then remove it again if they do.

    I’ve kept my last two weeks of comments, so that the Rexxit discussion is still alive. I’ll purge everything else that’s not Rexxit-related on the 30th.

  • veldais
    21 year ago

    Yep. 12yr account. Not much karma but it was a decent part of my daily routine for that period of time.

  • abff08f4813c
    1 year ago

    I would have done it on the day of the blackout but I wanted to get my oldest comments wiped out too.

    Then a sub went dark and is still dark with some comments I missed.

    So I’m waiting.

    Considering deleting anyways even if they aren’t undark by the 30th.

    Went undark today for a day (maybe just a day depending on vote). So I wiped those and then deleted the account for good!

    11 year ago

    I did the day of the blackout when it was clear they had no intention of reversing/modifying their position. Sad to see a 12 year old account go but if for whatever reason they get their head out of their ass I’ll probably just create a new account.

  • ninjirate
    11 year ago

    No, I’m going to wait until about Aug to fully delete since some of my posts/comments keep coming back. I want to make sure I overwrite them before deleting

  • Tencha
    11 year ago

    Deleted all my posts and then deleted my account. I still do some light browsing with my remaining days of Apollo, though. But I’m ready to make kbin my new home. I hope we will have a proper app soon.

  • theJWPHTER88
    11 year ago

    I still haven’t vaporized mine yet, as long as I get my few modded subreddits and co-mods there, as well as my Flairwars history, up to speed and migrate completely from there. Before the moment everything becomes a large L’Manburg hole do I truly exit off.

  • I was really in two minds about deleting my comment history. I decided not to. Some of it is the kind of stuff that might just help me in a few years when I’ve forgotten my previous solutions and Google them all over again.

  • Jubi
    11 year ago

    Not yet but I intend to. I want to grab all my subreddits so I can use the list to find them again on kbin.

  • v13
    11 year ago

    I’m not going to. I feel an attachment to my old 3 character user name. If I give it up someone else might register it.

  • @NightOwl
    11 year ago

    No. To be honest despite having done an overwrite and deletion I’m kind of paranoid now that my account won’t restore comments. So I’m not sure I’ll delete the account itself even though I abandoned it to make sure. Maybe a GDPR deletion request is a route I’ll get to in order to make sure.