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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/GateEast2 on 2023-06-24 03:02:54+00:00.

My wife and I both like the show Friends and periodically watch it together. For some reason I cannot fathom, it bothers her when I clap to the theme song. REALLY bothers her.

Note: There is a brief moment in the beginning of the song where it claps quickly four times. It lasts for less than two seconds, and then the song continues.

This last time, I clapped along anyway. Of course she protested immediately. The conversation goes something like this…

Her: Why are you doing that again? You know I don’t like it!

Me: Why does it bother you so much?

Her: Because it’s corny and I don’t like it. It’s a pet peeve of mine.

Me: But why though? Why at that level?

Her: Because I just don’t like it. Don’t you have pet peeves that bother you?

Me: Not really. Besides, I like it, and the clapping lasts for two seconds. Why should I have to refrain simply because it bothers you for some indescribable reason?

Her: Fine then I just won’t watch the show with you anymore (in a serious, threatening tone).

Me: You are being an a-hole and overreacting.

She gets legitimately upset and mean about it. It’s not a fun lighthearted discussion as this sort of thing could be. I see her reaction as unreasonable and had to let her know that. AITA?

  • Gravelsack
    2 years ago

    Well I’ll say that in marriage you’ve gotta pick your battles, but also that I would absolutely pick this battle and do it every single time while making direct eye contact with a shit eating grin on my face and just deal with the blowback. I might even step it up to singing along with the entire song and incorporate a dance routine.

    But I am often an asshole so don’t think this absolves you of assholery.