• WashedOver@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      I saw a early video from a “medical expert” the government was trying to “silence” we would all be dead within 6 months from the first jab containing cancer, ground up aborted baby fetuses, Aids, Cancer and Alzheimer’s. I usually joke due to the Alzheimer’s I’ve forgotten to die more than once now.

      Most have moved on to Trans hate, bathroom use, child groomers and kidnapping. After reading Carl Sagan’s Demon Haunted World, it seems there are old themes religions have used to invoke emotional responses from the masses to maintain control. These conspiracy types have stolen the same plays for their causes to great effect as who does not think child grooming and kidnapping is terrible?

      It doesn’t require much thought or research to be moved with this kind of raw emotion and in the 90s these child abuse themes were hard to confirm on a grand scale but also invoked the same responses as alien abductions once did.

    • jcit878@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      not only was it an idiotic thing to believe, but the sheer joy many of them said this with, like they actually would revell in delight at the thought of “vaxxers” dying everywhere. real charming people.

      another reason I will never give a cooker the time of day, other than to mock them and watch them get shouty and mad

      • SuckMyWang@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        And now that all their friends, family and coworkers who got the vaccine aren’t dead they’re kind of shitty about it. Any reasonable, decent human being would be so overjoyed and relieved that they were wrong. But they’re not, they’re annoyed. And now I’m supposed to carry on and trust them like they care about people other than themselves.

    • Elivey@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I saw a minivan go by just the other day that had large homemade foam (?) syringe on top of their car with the word “genocide” painted on. They’re still waiting for it to happen.

    • AdamantRatPuncher@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Unironically my health seems to be better for completely unrelated things. It’s not the vaccine that did that, it just happened, but according to these novax I’d be a mutant by now. Also people stopped talking about it, the only people who still insist on the covid thing are these novax conspiracy nuts.