purged their bot accounts a few days ago. I asked the admins how the did just in case it’d be useful for other admins.

Here’s a link to their response (from ):

Warning … I make no claim that this is at all sound advice, and williams_482 themselves warn that you need to make sure you know what you’re doing … as it seems they ran some direct delete commands over their database.

  • empireOfLove
    2 years ago

    Lemmy definitely needs to have a lot more aggressive moderation and administrative tools built into it. Not only is deleting things directly from databases or databases themselves super risky for data integrity (gitlab incident, anyone?), but it leaves no trace of who or what was deleted. Which is a huge security hole, both for potential instance admin abuse as well as bad actors gaining access to an instance’s back end and monkeying with it. Ideally such things should be done entirely through Lemmy and tracked in the modlog (or a separate backend admin log).