Democrats are sick of bailing the GOP out of their own messes, and boy, are Republicans whining about it

Anyone who has paid even the slightest attention to the events leading up to the historic ouster of Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., as speaker of the House knows exactly who is to blame here: McCarthy and his fellow Republicans. For years, they’ve rolled out the welcome mat to Donald Trump and his wrecking crew of MAGA camera hogs, foolishly believing that they could harness the chaotic villainy without getting burned in the process. They refused to listen to former Trump “fixer” Michael Cohen when he warned Republicans in 2019 that those who “follow Mr. Trump as I did, blindly, are going to suffer the same consequences that I’m suffering.”

Granted, McCarthy didn’t get hauled off to prison like Cohen. But he still faced a tasty comeuppance this week when the sadistic bullies he empowered in his caucus, led by Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, vacated his seat for no other reason than the sheer satisfaction of taking out their leader. Now shellshocked Republicans know who they want to blame for everything that has happened, and — surprise! — it’s not themselves. Oh no, they’re mad at Democrats for refusing to swoop in and save McCarthy from his fate.

    1 year ago

    I think the straw that absolutely broke the camels back – preventing Dems from even thinking of voting Present or of simply voting to table the bill – was McCarthy’s shit-slinging over the weekend about Democrats delaying the CR. He’s repeatedly said “they didn’t want the bill, they tried to stop it” etc etc when all they wanted was some fucking time to read goddamn bill so they knew what they were voting on.

      1 year ago

      Yeah, it get that politics is politics, and to work together you need to sometimes separate a little bit what is said in an interview and what you can hash out on legislation on a personal level.

      But damn did McCarthy go all out calling out the Democrats that weekend after ambushing them with a 70 page bill and an hour to read it. If he hoped to get Democrats support he should have put forward a better bill or kept his mouth shut over weekend.

      1 year ago

      Not only that, but he promised earlier in the year that any bill would have 72 hours for people to read through before a vote happened. So that’s another promise he blew off.