• HKPiax@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Dude, what the fuck are you talking about? I never said “Ukraine joining NATO”, I said “NATO base that NATO wanted to build in Ukraine”. I never said “an understandable reason for Russia to invade”, I said “I can see why” (i.e., if what I heard was true, I could see why it would be a perfect excuse for invasion).

    “not even in the same universe as justifications for action with regards to your next door neightbour go” yeah? No shit did you miss me saying “(I’m not justifying it)”?

    I don’t even disagree, you can see it from my answer to PugJesus message in this same thread.

    I’m not “spouting propaganda” you tool, what I wrote is what I heard from people around me at the beginning of the conflict, and I admit I took it for true. Turns out, as PugJesus said below, I was not informed correctly. I even added “but I’m sure it’s more complicated than this” to make it clear I was not informed sufficiently.

    Hell this whole thread started with me saying I’m not informed, what else do you want? Asshole.

    Calm your tits and don’t “quote” people when you’re not actually quoting them. You’re doing your cause a disservice, and you just sound crazy.