I wanted to get some tips on Rogue and hopefully some build ideas, and holy Tyrael, is that place a cesspool of toxicity. If you havent played the game, from the opinions of the locals you’d had thought this game is the worst thing since WW2, every class is basically unplayable and unless you can steamroll bosses 20+ higher than you in nightmare dungeons, your opinion is basically worthless. Any interesting discussion gets swamped by trolls and unconstructive spiteful comments. I had to stop going there because I felt it actually impacted my enjoyment of the game.

Anyone else had the same experience with the official forums?

  • @UrbenLegend@lemmy.ml
    91 year ago

    A ton of gaming forums attract a lot of toxicity for some reason. If you ever browse the Steam Discussion forums for a multiplayer game, you’ll see the same toxicity. I don’t know what it is with gaming culture these days, but it’s frankly awful. I can’t even point it out without being labeled a boomer lol. People have this weird need to dunk on others. Whatever happened to just having fun with a game?

    • Tywele
      41 year ago

      That’s mostly because the majority of people writing in a forum are people who are unhappy with the game. People who are satisfied are playing the game instead of writing in a forum.

  • elroon
    81 year ago

    Reddit is largely the same. I understand caring deeply for a game, wanting it to be the best it can be, I also have major grips with Blizzard as a company, but damn, D4 released very well, there’s no denying that.

    • @CaptManiac@lemmy.world
      41 year ago

      I’ve got a level 57 sorcerer and am loving the game. It’s a fantastic game no way about it. Those people can complain all they want: it’s not going to change what the rest of us think.

    • @mother@lemmy.world
      41 year ago

      This is actually my biggest reason for using Lemmy, and this community specifically, because it seems much more chill. People on Reddit that are at level cap crying about how much they hate the game. Its ridiculous

  • @mother@lemmy.world
    61 year ago

    I think generally speaking game specific communities are toxic. There are a few exceptions (Deep Rock Galactic, Oxygen Not Included) but usually much smaller user base (and/or Indie games). Seems like the more popular the game, the more the vocal fan base is just a bunch of salty sweatlords.

    • Goronmon
      31 year ago

      I think generally speaking game specific communities are toxic.

      I wouldn’t necessarily say that. What I would say is that online communities have a tendency to bias towards toxic without heavy-handed moderation.

      The simple fact is that people who aren’t toxic don’t want to be around people who are. So if there aren’t moderators keeping out the toxic people (or at least, stamping out the attitude specifically) then after a while the only people left in the community with be the toxic ones.

    • falsem
      21 year ago

      I’d say it’s mostly games that attract super competitive types. I think they feel a lot of pressure to compete and get stressed out about any obstacle or inconvenience that they think prevents them from doing that so lash out about it. Offline single player only games seem to have this problem less frequently.

  • @panda_paddle@lemmy.world
    31 year ago

    I think a lot of people who loved Blizzard North’s Diablo series feel held hostage to the new game. They bought it because it’s Diablo, not because it’s what they wanted to play. So now they hate it and possibly themselves for having supported it. I know I would have been this way if I bought it, so I didn’t. I learned my lesson from Diablo 3. I wanted classic Diablo and I was given WoW-lite.

  • @Tolstoy@lemmy.world
    31 year ago

    Tbh the official forum is only good for 1 thing… it’s tracking bugs and problems. Most of the people there are pissed because something isn’t working and while they wait for responses these people browse the forum. at least this was my experiance

  • dedale
    21 year ago

    I wonder if it’s the same guys that did the ddos attack.
    Like not there because they want to enjoy the game, but to prevent people from doing so.

    • Sota4077
      41 year ago

      Battle.Net forums, regardless of the game, have always been a miserable experience. You have severely pedantic developers and admins. Then you have some of the most neckbearded min/max players on the internet. They will get into squealing arguments over 5pts of DPS on a WOW character build. It is truly an awful place to hang out.

    • JyrdanoOP
      11 year ago

      There was that one guy on the Rogue sub-forums spamming and demanding they unnerf his Twisted Blades build. He even had a catchphrase, like “reFun or reFund”. Unintentionally hilarious.

  • dbtonez
    11 year ago

    you should not go to the Diablo 2 forums on bnet either XD