• @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
      158 months ago

      It’s both and either. Even if you DON’T have social anxiety, hanging out with people too much is exhausting for an introvert.

      • @Smoogs@lemmy.world
        48 months ago

        it doesn’t mean they have issues with socialiIng. Introvert is a personality trait. Not a personality disorder. If you are feeling anxious at the mere mention of socializing and using the ol ‘but I’ll be tired cuz I’m an introvert’ your issues are far deeper than a personality trait. People with just an introvert trait and nothing underneath it don’t use such an excuse to cover just their trait. They don’t let a trait run their life.

        • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
          68 months ago

          Dude, you’re reading way more into a meme than there is in it. The pic doesn’t say anything about “feeling anxious at the mere mention of socializing”.

          It’s just about having fun alone with a pizza and cats, which you don’t have to have anxiety to prefer over a crowd of people.

          Source: was an introvert since puberty and social anxiety is a lot more recently. Pre-anxiety me wouldn’t have been anxious about people but would have found this kind of party preferable a lot of the time because people are exhausting when you’re an introvert.

          use such an excuse to cover just their trait. They don’t let a trait run their life.

          Again, reading way too much into it while also being a bit of a judgmental and ableist ass 🤷

          • @Smoogs@lemmy.world
            8 months ago

            and you sit there posting this shit for up votes? Yeah don’t fall off that high horse…

            when you’re misusing it as a ‘meme’ to then miseducate others on what social anxiety is vs introvert personality trait. I’ve seen people shirk off their social anxiety and not get help for it and think it’s a cute ‘introvert’ joke they tell everyone around them. Meanwhile red flags and thrusting assholishness everywhere. Ghosting- “Tee hee introvert aren’t I cute?” Lashing out and then leaving a train wreck of a party behind “oh this is exhausting. I’m going home cuz such an introvert!” Making their friends worry about them so they can feel important but not let anyone know they are ok “oh you know me I’m just an introvert so I had to bail”

            You’re not helping people with social anxiety and cluster related disorders by mushing the terms together just for updoots. You’re making it worse. as far as I care for your updoot value for it, think again. You’re the one seriously taking this shit too far.

            • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
              38 months ago

              Just stop talking out your ass about things you clearly know nothing about. You clearly don’t understand introversion OR anxiety and are lecturing a very self-analytic introvert with social anxiety.

              The only one making anything worse is you thinking that overwhelmed people needing to temporarily withdraw from you and/or others are just using “excuses” to shirk some imagined ability to accommodate you.

              Joking about your issues in a self-deprecating way like in the OP (which I wasn’t the one who posted, not that it should matter) is a way of cheering yourself up by seeing the light side of it and/or feeling less alone by being reminded that other people are going through similar things and are similarly misunderstood.

              In the end, though, it’s just a harmlessly fun relatable meme 🤷

                • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
                  38 months ago

                  I’m not calling you out for upvotes, I’m calling you out because you’re being an arrogantly wrong and trying to paint ME as the problematic ones for not feeling sorry for how inconvenient the introversion and anxiety of others is to you.

                  Nice try doing the “I have no counterargument so I’m just gonna pretend that the other guy is being emotional for internet points as if that would have made me right about anything” gambit, but this ain’t my first rodeo.

  • @Smoogs@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Introvert doesn’t mean the same thing as social anxiety or to be socially inept. It’s a personality trait. Not a personality or personality disorder.

    People with introvert trait socialize perfectly fine. It’s what they do to recharge that is different. If you’re letting a mere trait run your life, that’s not a trait. It’s a symptom.

    • @EmoDuck@sh.itjust.works
      48 months ago

      Exactly. Being an introvert doesn’t mean that you are afraid of talking to people, it means that you occasionally get special dialogue options and some stat boosts when traveling without a companion

  • @empireOfLove
    138 months ago

    Sounds like my kind of party!

    (Although I can’t even have the kittens cause my landlord says no…)

      • @empireOfLove
        18 months ago

        Then you’re subletting and the landlord will still be mad!

    • jimmydoreisalefty
      8 months ago

      edit: n<20 or n>20…


      They are just guests, they do not live here.

      I am just babysitting for an uncertain amount of time (n>20 years), landlord person…

  • @bakachu@sh.itjust.works
    108 months ago

    If you throw in 5. Scary Movie Marathon, this is literally my Halloween plans. I’m very excited to be hosting myself. And my cats.

  • radix
    38 months ago

    This feels like a boomer meme. I agree with it, and I’m amused by it, but I’m also amused on somewhat of a meta level. This isn’t criticism, I love it.

  • autokludge
    28 months ago

    Come on let’s be real here, the only way that pizza leaves the box is hand to mouth.